Game on!
Bitched at 2:47 a.m. on 2005-01-31

Currently Feeling: Wired
Currently Hearing: Live like you were dying by Tim McGraw
Currently Craving: sleep

Two words: Game on!

That's one of my new phrases. I use it a lot when I get all geeked up about something. Today has been a pretty awesome day. Last ngiht wasn't as good as I had hoped it would wind down to be. I was so tired when I went to bed that I didn't get a chance to christen my new toys. But wouldn't ya know- I did today! I made time for that. It was a damn fine day to relieve some stress and get religious. And man, did I ever luck out with my new purchases. Neither toy let me down in any way. I told Shawn that I am going to hostess as many parties as it takes to get one of every toy in that catalog! And when I say one of everything, I mean that exactly!

I don't know why some men and women are so skittish and bashful when it comes to using sexual gadgets and props. I'm not saying we women should all rush out and buy them to replace our men or anything. Nothing can replace the real thing- but damn it if they don't at least come really close. But I honestly don't see what the big deal is. What's wrong with adding a little spice to a relationship? And if you happen to be single- why be alone and horny? it's pointless. I swear to goodness I could be the poster-woman for sexual gadgets! I swear by them. So if you don;t have any- rush to your local adult store and pick one up now! LOL!

Today was a pretty busy. But damn, I looked good- again. This is becoming a bit of a habitual thing for me. Wake up, shower, have an awesome hair and make-up day! A woman could get used to this. And now, I have even minimalized my prep time. If I get right to putting myself together, I can be done in a half an hour or so. That is, if I'm not jamming to a fave c.d. and singing into my hair brush while dancing about the bathroom.

I am down another pant size! I'm down to 18's now. From 32's. This amazed me and I coldn;t wait to call my sisters and tell them all about it. Then after that, I called them awhile later just to let them know that not only did I feel good. But that I looked damn hot too! They now laugh at me and call me a conceited bitch. But it's all in good fun - I hope! LOL!

Shawn's cousin Allan drove up today. So he, the girls, Shawn and I all drove into the city to go see his Mom at the hospital. His Uncles John and Robert showed up while we were there and we all had a fun visit and chatted the time away. I thnk his uncles and Shawn and I were there well after visiting hours ended. But they didn't kick us out so who cares?!

We ran a few errands today and then picked up some food on the way home from the hospital. I was so hungry! Then, after we got home, I watched a little t.v. and even scrapped three new pages for my albums. Yeehaw!

We have to leave in an hour to go to the hospital to see his Mom before they pull her for her surgery. She's not very nervous about it all. I don't know how she can stay so damn calm really. I'd be a basket case!

It's going to be a long day! Shawn and I haven;t been able to sleep so we're passing the time away in any way we can. And then it's hours of playing the waiting game at the hospital. I just hope and pray that all goes well.

Well, that's all from me for now. Not a very interesting update or anything. but my mind sin a million and one places rigth now!

Thanks for tuning in...



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Game on! - 2005-01-31