'Tis the Season
Bitched at 12:32 a.m. on 2004-12-08

Currently Feeling: like a party!
Currently Hearing: my dogs shred last sundays paper... egads!
Currently Craving: Lemons and Vodka.

I've had a pretty fantastic day. I mean, some things went shitty at work. But I guess that's to be expected when you work with a bunch of "Intellectually Challenged" people. I swear to goodness, some of the people at the plant are matured no further than their pre-teen years. But what can you do? Deal with the bull shit, wait 'til they walk away and hold your gut for all you're worth when they walk away so that you don't give yourself a hiatal hernia from laughing at them so hard. Or you could ball up your fists and park them each in a pocket so deep that when the urge to 'reach out and tag someone' comes along, you merely make a slight hand gesture within your own drawers. Both are common methods for me. And I s'pose they work fine.

That said, today was pretty awesome. I awoke after a good nights sleep and got Shawn out of bed. This in itself is becoming a bit easier with each new day amazingly enough. We had an appointment at Discount Tires to have the junk tire on his truck replaced. He somehow managed to run over a huge chunk of some sort of metal and lodged it in there something fierce. Not a huge ordeal, except the air leaks out around the metal and if you sit for evry long, you have to re-pump the tire. So we got that taken care of finally. YAY!

I was hungry when we got to the tire store and suggested that since we had a good while to wait for the truck to be done, we walk next door to the Red Lobster for lunch. I knew the minute I suggested it, that he wasn't thrilled with the option. He's not a big Red Lobster fan and it was raining cats and dogs out. But for me, he caved and we went to lunch.

I was giddy! I ahve been craving the Ultimate Feast they have for awhile now. So that's what I got. Skipped the taters, the salad and the soups to leave room for a cheese stick, a garlic biscuit and my long drooled over feast. The lobster was divine, crab legs sensational and the scampi was tasty and mouth watering. We had nice conversation and a pleasant experience. And Shawn even fell in love with their food. He dined on a steak (cooked just how he wanted it!) catfish and biscuits. Yummae.

Then we shimmied quick like over to Wal_mart where I purchased my much needed vitamins. A little upset that they had no chewable iron tablets, so I will have to go back to the doctor's office and get those there. but i was able to get my calcium, multi-vitamins and sublingual B12's there. Bonus. And at a fraction of the cost of the ones my Doc's office sells me. Bonus again! I also picked up a new hair dryer since mine went to hair styling heaven and a new set of curling irons. Oooh. We also purchased The Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again on DVD. I can't wait to watch it later. Those comedians just rock.

I'm starting to feel a slight pull towards the holiday cheer that should've been surging through my veins by now. Hell, I had most of my Christmas cards made out on halloween night! I have yet to put up any decor, including my tree which I usually do on T-giving weekend. Now, I am starting to feel the urge. I only need to find the time. 'Magine that. Ain't that just the way it goes though?

I'm also starting to believe that the holiday seasons are meant for "life lessons in love." I have been going through my own private drama and the more I deal with, the more i hear others talking about their own problems. One coworker got knocked on his ass by his wife who sped away before he could fully exit their vehicle. One who's fiancee's mother wreaks havok on his family life. One who's dating a married woman and it's almost killed him, quite literally. One who's wife is in love with her computer and the people she meets on line and is threatening to leave. There are just so many others out there going through their own dramas.

It seems that 'Tis the Season has taken on a whole new meaning for so many of us this year.

But I won't let it get me down. Not anymore. I've got too much spunk in me. I've got too much to be thankful for. Too many blessings in my life to walk away ungrateful and bitter.

How's that old saying go? When life give you lemons, make lemon-ade? And liek Ron White in the Blue Collar Comedy Tour says, then ya go find someone who's life gave them Vodka and ya's have yourself a party!

Oh yeah, 'Tis the season! Party anyone?



0 bitches

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'Tis the Season - 2004-12-08