In a hurry
Bitched at 8:29 p.m. on 2004-05-26

Currently Feeling: like I really ought to go pee
Currently Hearing: nada
Currently Craving: mmm... lots

Oh my... My tummy is in knots today. There's so much running through my head right now. And even more that I want to say in here, but I don't have a lot of time. So... first things first and what I don't get to will have to wait for another day, right?

I watched the season finale of the Swan show on Fox. At first when they aired the trailers I was aghast at the mere thought of the show. The only reasons I even watched the first episode was A) because Shawn TiVo'd it and B)because my morbid sense of curiosity kicked in. Turns out, it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. In fact, I now joke with everyone that after my bypass surgery is a success and I get skinny enough for those thongs I've had my eye on... I am gonna sign up for the swan program so they can add the finishing touches.

Anyways... I wa sshocked at the judges and half the time wondered what the hell they were judging on. The girl that won... pretty, yes. But I was rooting for Beth. Oh well.

And did you see American Idol?! Oh man, it was a really, really tough night for the voters I'm sure. I love Diana and Fantasia both and know that when they put their cd's out, I won't hesitate to run out and purchase each with equaled enthusiasm. (Along with George's! And LaToya's!) But as I watched (God bless the inventor of TiVo) and commented to Shawn on how hard it was to pick betweent he two, I thought about the whole season. We have never missed an episode.

And then it was clear to me. I love Diana's voice, her charisma, everything. But she just isn't as consistent as Fantasia. And Fantasia has proven time and time again that she can adapt to any genre and still awe the audience. And once I realized that, Shawn treated me to a realization I hadn't known. I could vote! Because this was the finale, they had the phone lines open four hours instead of two. So I raced for the phone and I voted... for Diana. And then again, I voted. Five more times, for Fantasia. I couldn't not vote for Diana. the guilt would have consumed me.

I know, I'm crazy right?

And the worst part? I have to go to the Sleep Study Center after work tonight... so I won;t be able to see who wins! So I made up my mind when I packed before work today. I will not watch the news. Won't turn on the T.V. Won't listen to the radio. I brought a book. In the mroning when I am done- I plan to drive straight home and watch the results courtesy of my TiVo. And then, I will be able to start my day!

I'm taking Samantha to lunch... yay!

But I have to go now. EEEK!



0 bitches

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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

In a hurry - 2004-05-26