Sleep Apnea Sara
Bitched at 2:30 a.m. on 2004-05-28

Currently Feeling: Yeah. I'm feeling. I just don't know what.
Currently Hearing: Me and Mrs. Jones- George Huff
Currently Craving: Peace of Mind, Cheescake and a Diet Coke.

It's 2:30 a.m. I felt the need to write. I have had the urge a lot lately. But usually, when my mind starts turning its lyrics- I am no where near a computer to log onto and get them all typed up and in my lastest updates. Usually when I finally get someplace where I can enjoy my D'Land membership, my mind blanks and I talk about blah and/or monotonous subjects. I'm sure that's how it will be tonight...

It was almost noon before I left the Sleep Clinic. I got there just before midnight and was informed about everything. the guy let me shower andveg a bit so i could unwind from work, which was nice. Knowing it was my dinner time normally- he smuggled me in some granola bars, graham crackers and sodas to snack on. YAY! I ahd every intention of picking something up on the way there, but Traverse City and just about every aspect of it, closes down before 11 p.m. It's the hardest adaptation Shawn and I ahd to make when we relocated to here- and still struggle with daily.

Turns out that I do have sleep apnea. But only when i sleep on my back... which I guess is more often than not. What happens is I stop breathing in intervals through the night which makes my heart work harder and it never gets to rest and then my oxygen levels dip below the desired levels. Which in the end turns out meaning that my quality of sleep- sucks. And what's worse is that I will probably have to go through it again in another month to be fitted for a CPAP machine.

A CPAP is a machine that has a mask that fits over your nose and blows air into it. That way no mater how you're sleeping, you never stop breathing. The people I know that have them say they are life savers. Literally in some cases. I'm thinking I'm not going to like it one bit, and never complained once about my quality of sleep. I'm so not a happy camper about all of this.

And Shawn, ever the cynic- isn't making anything any easier. I'm growing rather tired of his constant pessimisms. he has very litytle faith in the medical community. ALl holidays are "Hallmark Holidays" to him. He's just been... nails ona chalk board to me lately. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me getting tired of the me I have become when I am around him if that makes sense. Maybe my nerves are just shot and now I'm being a big dork. Maybe, maybe, maybe... There's one for sure there though. My birthday is only a couplem of weeks away. If he misses this one... that will be his last mistake. Mark my words...

On happier notes, all of the books I ordered on line from Barnes and Noble have arrived. YAY! prepaid for them too. Bigger yay for no bill! ('Til Shawn gets the credit card bill) I was ready for books. i ahve been in a reading slump for awhile but feel like I'm getting back into my groove. I just finished Nicholas Sparks' The Guardian. It was damn good, as all of his books are.

I don't remember all fo the books I got. But the one I am reading now is a first time for me with this author. I picked it on a whim from the book description. It's Fast Women, bu Jennifer Crusie. (Yes, I spelled it right. I had to keep checking though I could have sworn it was Cruise) This book has had me laughing out loud and so hard I about pissed myself. I haven't had a book this humorous and good since the Stephanie Plum series, so I am in heaven. YAY!

And... I managed to not listen to the radio, watch the news, read any diaries or do anything to let me know who is the new American Idol. I was able to watch the entire show (THANK YOU TiVO!) with Chewbaca Lynn and BarkLee. I think it was the best one yet. Grats to Fantasia. She earned the title for sure. But a part of me is still sad for Diana. She came so far... with far, far less support than Fantasia. For weeks its been Fantasia everything. That had to be hard for Diana. I know Id be thinking 'what about me?!'

But she did make it as the runner up... I'm sure she'll go far too.

Well, I am gonna sign off. Gotta send out a quick couple of e-mails and wanna sneak in a few more pages of my book. I'm 334 pages in since I started it yesterday and I only have 102 more to go!

God bless books... God Bless the TiVo inventor... and God Bless all of YOU for reading my diary!


Sleep Apnea Sara- wheeeeee

Oh... and Ange, no, I did not get my nipples pierced.... yet. Maybe when i get slim and sexae though! LOL.

2 bitches

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Sleep Apnea Sara - 2004-05-28