Better day...
Bitched at 10:17 p.m. on 2004-05-20

Currently Feeling: a little bit better...
Currently Hearing: (sittin on) The dock of the bay...
Currently Craving: a family fix

It's been a much better day than the ones I have been having. So for that I am thankful.

I stayed up later than planned last night. I made Shawn and I dinner (chorizo scrambled into eggs with tortillas... yummy!) and then he went to play EverQuest (EQ), I went to watch some of the pay-per-view movies I had my TiVo record. (Honestly, where would we be without TiVo?!)

I ate dinner and watched Mona Lisa Smile. I wasn't sure if it was going to be good or not because so many people told me they didn't care for it. I liked it. It wasn't spectacular, but it was good. I also watched Duplex. Now THAT was flipping hilarious. I laughed the whole way through. And when the end rolled around, I was shocked. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it.

In between both movies, I had a small break down on the couch. It was just the dogs and I and as I was preparing to watch my 2nd movie, I lost it. The tears just started flowing and before long I was sobbing like a baby. I don't know why the sadness came... but it washed over me in record time and I had myself a cry. It was short lived this time. (At this point, I think my body is expediting tears in as it's burned through so many)

You know, I didn't hold back. I just let it all go. And before I knew it, it was over and I felt so much better, oddly enough. So I wiped my eyes dry, took a deep breath, cuddled my pups and for the first time in a long time, I smiled because I felt like it.

I think sometimes, you just have to have yourself a good cry. After that, I showered and returned to the living room and Shawn and I discussed my trip home this weekend (YAY!) and then we watched American Idol, where for once- America finally voted right and got Jasmine the hell off that stage. She should never have gotten that far. To think they ousted LaToya first?! Oh my...

I went to a sleep specialist today as per a pre-requisite for my surgery. Dr. M. was very kind and friendly. He told me why I was there and explained everything. He feels that I am not a person with a severe aleep apnea, however he thinks there might be a bit of it and wants to test me just to be safe. So they'll be calling me to set that up. Oh joy.

I had to leave work for that appointment, and when i got back, all hell had broken loose. nothing had run well all night. My line was more often broken down than it was running parts.

But I'm not going to let any of that bother me. I'm leaving for Saginaw tomorrow night after work. Alone, unfortunately as the girls have to work and Shawn didn't care to go. but I'm going home! I need a family fix in the worst way.

It's been far too long. And this way, Shawn and I get a much needed, well earned break from each other.

Cassie has a soccer game on Saturday and then a dance recital later Saturday evening. I'll be there for both and I am so very excited. I'll head home probably Sunday afternoon. I'm not all taht enthused about making the trip solo.. I hate driving at all anymore no matter what the weather is- especially at night. But I want to go home... I need to go home.

Thank God it's almost Friday... woot!



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Better day... - 2004-05-20