My latest in a nutshell
Bitched at 9:56 p.m. on 2003-09-29

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Hey Y�all. Thanks for tuning in. I know I haven�t been updating much as of late. I just haven�t felt the urge to go back and log onto my computer at all. In fact, I have been quite happily engaged in playing the part of what my Dad would call me, �Suzy Homemaker.� Right after work, once we get home- I take my shower, start dinner cooking, get settled in and enjoy a relaxing night with a home cooked dinner curled up on the couch watching a movie or reading a book. Not the typical lifestyle I have grown accustomed to, but you know something? I�m quite happy with it. Now if I could just make myself fit in some time for return e-mails and updates, all would be blissful. So that�s my plan.

The online gaming thing has been such fun and a form of escape from the mundane life I lead. But it�s taken it�s toll on my life. It�s commanded so much of my time. And although I have met so many awesome people through Ever Quest and the Sims Online, it�s kind of gotten to be a bit boring anymore. The same old shit, just a new night. I�m not ready to give it up for good, I just don�t plan to ever let it consume me the way it has been. Online gaming should be a form of entertainment- not a lifestyle.

Nothing much new going on in my neck of the woods. I am currently planning a trip back to Saginaw for a 3-day weekend with family and friends. My Dad and Shawn and I all took off Friday the 10th so my dad and I decided that that would be a good weekend to do our yearly canning. I also invited Mick and the kids down, and we were able to catch each other today on our cells. She agreed. I also told her about Lee, one of the guys we work with at the shop. He�s into a �no-strings� relationship. Or more bluntly put, a �Fuck buddy�, just as Mick has decided that�s all that she wants in her life. I showed him her picture and he thought she was pretty and showed interest in meeting her.

So I happened to mention, (Just call me Cupid) that we�re all planning a weekend trip to Saginaw. And I asked if he would like to go. He said if she was going to be there that would be cool. So when I mentioned him to her today, we chatted about him. I told her everything about him. I didn�t embellish or exaggerate. She said she was more into shorter, beefier men. (Lee is approx. 5�10�, and has a 28 inch waistline. He�s tall and oh-so-lean. And where the 6-pack would be from his work outs, lays an 8-pack. Oh yes, he�s tall, dark and oh so hard. After a bit of chatter about him and the possibilities this blind �date� had, she agreed to meet him. So I�m even more excited. It ought to be a great weekend. Both Mick and Lee are the type that if they aren�t interested, there will be no beating around the bush. They�ll let the other know. And like I told both of them, they have nothing to lose. And worse case scenario, they don�t fuck- but they�d make a new friend.

My dad and sisters finally broke down and got the kids a puppy. I guess they named him Toby and the kids are elated. He�s supposed to be so adorable. They are having Gena�s friend Tedde (pronounced Teddy and yes, that�s the way it�s spelled on the birth certificate) save me a pup because they knew I was looking for a companion for Chewbacca Lynn. S0o I am also excited about that. I just haven�t yet figured out how to break the news to Shawn. Arg. This could get complicated.

Shawn and I are doing all right I guess. The same actually. I�m noticing a lot lately, that there�s a lot less physical moments between us. And not just as far as sex goes. I mean no hugging, no kissing, no nothing really. I�ve been going home cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and finding ways to bide my time. And he goers home, uses the bathroom and hits the computer only resurfacing to grab a plate or a drink. A couple of nights, I got him to watch a movie with me.

We did make love this morning. I was not taking no for an answer. And I must say, (not like y�all care eh?) he was very tender and loving. So I guess I�m starting to wonder if maybe I�m not reading more into things than what there really is. Maybe we�re not all touchy feely just because he isn�t the type and never has been. I mean, I know he loves me. I can honestly say that. And for the most part, I�m happy with things between us. Maybe I should just stop nit-picking and be damn grateful for what I have. And maybe, I just don�t have it in me to not bitch. I don�t know. But I had a scary thought run through my head a lot this week that really sent my marbles into overdrive�

Anymore, I�m not sure that I want to get married to him�.

Now what the hell is that all about, eh?

Oooh. And I have been rather worried about Mick. (I know, my thoughts are jumping all over. Sorry!) She told me today that the production company she�s working for is closing. So shortly, she will be out of a job. And on top of that, her ex-hubby-to-be stopped paying all child support and said he is going to �suck her dry�. Umm, like HELLO?!?! You can�t get blood from a rock. Apparently, he just got word she wants half. Another big Duh! For him. So now, she is going to be penniless, and she didn�t have a hole hell of a lot to start with. So I have been racking ym brain trying to figure out how the hell I can help her.

I just bought a shit load of canned goods 5/$1.00. So I am going to take her some canned goods. The local super grocer is having an off brand sale so I�m going to get her a few things there too. (Whatever I can afford) And since she doesn�t have a stove, I�m taking her my electric frying pan and extra crock-pot. It�s not much, but whatever helps, right?

So that�s my life as of recent in a nut shell.. Thanks for tuning in. let me know how all of you faithful readers are doing. And feel free to leave me comments�

Nothing but love for ya�s!



2 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

My latest in a nutshell - 2003-09-29