Visit with Mick Part 2
Bitched at 10:44 p.m. on 2003-09-25

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Continued �.

There are 2 bars in Mick�s town. The Skidway Inn and the Driftwood. The Driftwood is connected to the local bowling alley, and a friend of hers was playing in the band there, so we stopped in there to hear the band. I wasn�t too fond of them. They weren�t horrible, but they weren�t exactly good either. But we sat about drinking and talking. Then we went over to the Inn and that seemed to be hopping a bit more.

Michelle and Kathleen were shaking their money makers out on the floor most of the night while Kim and I sat talking at the table and observing all that was going on around us. But half way through the Long Island Iced Tea that Mick bought me, I was out there shaking my not so money making booty with the rest of them.

We had a lot of fun. Okay, probably best not to speak for everyone else- so I had a lot of fun! More than I had ever thought possible. And the best part was that I got to teach the bartenders at both bars how to make a drink my sister Lisa taught me all about called: Cum in a hot tub. It�s a fabulous drink that really does resemble the title.

The next morning Mick had me up bright and early. Surprisingly, I wasn�t hung over. Just buzzing with good mojo and the warm fuzzies the night before had left me with. We went up to a local diner for what has to be the world�s best breakfast (not to mention cheap!). We talked over breakfast and then headed back to her place to reminisce and chat more. She was talking about her job and how she had an idea for a show they could air on the travel channel to get people to come to Michigan. And I must admit, when she told me about it- I agreed. She has these books about unexplained phenomenon here. I was reading some excerpts about gravity hills here. I guess there are like 3 or 4 states that have them. Michigan has 4 hills. One was in Rose City not far from where Mick lives.

On a whim, we grabbed the keys and our gear and headed off to find this gravity hill. According to the book, if you park your car in a certain spot, put it in neutral- your car will appear to roll backwards up hill. We were rather skeptical� but hey. What the hell, right? Anything to defy the laws of nature. Now, we�re not scientists in any way. And although I loved science, I must admit, my grades weren�t so hot. (On account of I was probably off with Michelle skipping class and doing the things we had so much fun doing) But� The car really DID roll backwards uphill. No catch, no lying, just pure truth- it happened. And we were flabbergasted. Not to mention excited. And feeling rather philosophical as we tried all kinds of ideas and tested hypothesis we came up with. But it was a blast. And later, after the Ex hubby brought the kids home, we took them and her dad back to the hill to show them. They loved it too.

After all of that, it was getting late. We headed back and had dinner and hung out with the kids. I�d decided I would spend the night and just have Mick get me up in the morning and I would leave then with plenty of time to make it home and get ready for work. Heh. THAT didn�t happen.

Kathleen ended up calling on the phone bawling. She had a fight with the ex she just can�t seem to let go of and before we knew it, she was over. So we ended up sitting up til 4:30 a.m. talking. I can�t imagine it was much fun for Kathleen as Mick and I played the songs of yesteryear that still held places in our hearts and opened up the floodgates to our many memories over the years. We talked about high school, all the stunts we pulled, the trouble we got into, of the stupid things we did.

And it was then that I realized that even as we warped back into a time where we were young, dumb and oh-so-happy� nothing had changed. Not between Mick and I. We were best friends then, are best friends now, and probably always will be. Time can change, events can happen, we can move a gazillion miles apart� but we will forever be linked together by our hearts. We met in 3rd grade. Our friendship didn�t really flourish until we hit high school when we became inseparable. And we formed a bond far better than blood.

I don�t know that I can explain it, or pin point what lies beneath us so deep that nothing could ever change it. Nor am I sure I would ever want to. What we have, is something sacred to me. And I thank God each and every night for blessing me with all I have found in Mick. For her family who to me, is just as much like my own.

I never did make it home and to work on time. In fact, I gave Shawn quite a scare because I was so enrapt in what Mick and I were doing that I didn�t think to call. And we overslept Monday morning, so when Shawn was able to get thru on my cell (the signal sucks at Mick�s) I told him I wouldn�t be making it to work but would be home. He thought perhaps I wouldn�t be coming home at all. Heh.

In fact, I spent the day with Mick and the kids who have stolen their own slices of my heart. We went to Emily�s dance class, came home and ate dinner and then cuddled into the bed and all watched Tomb Raider before I fought back the tears that threatened to fall as I said my goodbyes.

And then finally, after several wrong turns and missed exits, I was home. I put on a pot of chili, had a hot dinner waiting for Shawn� and we celebrated our 10th anniversary together.

It just doesn�t get any better than that.



2 bitches

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Visit with Mick Part 2 - 2003-09-25