Miss me?
Bitched at 4:15 p.m. on 2003-03-09

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Well, it's Sunday. My one and only day off this week. I actually like the pay checks when they ahve us working 6 and 7 days a week... but every other aspect makes it take its toll. The days start running together, friends wonder why you haven't called, e-mailed or written. The house starts looking truly like a tornado hit and every inch of your body begs, pleads and screams for a nice long hot shower, to sit somewhere comfy with your feet up and to just be. To let every muscle of your body melt into the cushions, not having to carry your weight or strain to sling the cast iron I run at work.

I can almost hear my body sighing with relief. Each muscle giving a faint squeal of glee since I have just taken an hour long hot shower and am now settled in comfortably, my feet resting and I am cozy.

I planned to do a bit of laundry, vacuum, shampoo the carpets, clean up my bedroom ad even sprinkled the comet in the tub for a good scrubbing.... but maybe later. Maybe tomorrow if I don;t get to it today. I think I am going to make this a lazy day... one all about me. Mmmmm... just the thought is heavenly.

I got good news last night! The best news I have had in oh so long. Shawn's (He is my boyfriend of 9 years) mom and little brother, who have been living with us for well over a year now, are FINALLY moving out on their own. They found a place yesterday and were approved. They're only moving a few blocks away... but HOT DAMN! I get my house back!

No more sharing my space, no more hiding in my bedroom to watch tv while she sits in the living room enjoying the big screen TV I am still paying for. No more having people here who don't work, use everything, but wont even take the trash out. My bills will be going down!!!! I will have restored freedom once again in my house.


Free at last, Free at last... oh Lord, Im gonna be free at last!

Now, let's just pray no major disasters occur between now and next weekend, hey?

I think I am going to log into TSO (The Sims Online) and see whats happening in Interhogan. I ahven't been able to play much lately. But my friend Ange just got it herself, and we were able to move her in last night, so that was cool.

Til we meet again, I'll be whistling dixie... Dancing a jig and simming away! Care to join me?

And PS Diarylanders... Im really trying to get back to posting everyday. Or something close to frequent. I just had some major puter issues and every time I spent an hour typing an entry... it somehow got lost. THAT was very maddening. And the fact that I cant figure out how to HTML is driving me insane. All the pages I go to are fun, have pics, counters, comment areas. If I cant have that I just dont wanna go on.... LOL. I am even thinking of moving to a more user friendly domain that is just like Diaryland, but has templates to choose from and all. We'll see. But please, don;t give up on me!

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Miss me? - 2003-03-09