What makes the green grass green...
Bitched at 2:27 a.m. on 2003-03-14

Currently Feeling:
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Currently Craving:

Good Lawd... where has the time gone? There is soooo much I want to say, scxream and vent here. But I don;t know that I have the time. Let's just say that the past few days have been CRAZY! Both in good and bad ways. But Shawn had it right when he nicknamed me the "Drama Queen". Because no matter what happens, who I am with or where I am, that's what I am all about, like it or not... Drama! Ugh. That's not always a cool thing. But it's cool in the respect that Ray-Ray always gets to tell me, "Quit Trippin'" in his sultry manner that makes me put on my shit eating grin and thank God for a friend like him.

Anyhow, I ahve not had internet access. Some crazy blonde ditz, who I refuse to incriminate (for obvious reasons!) "forgot" to pay her internet bill, and wouldn't it figure that the internet company is not so forgiving when ya don;t pay them their damn money... soooooooooo. I finally paid it. And have been all excited to get on, because this really awesome friend of mine saw me whining about not having a cool diary.. (Love ya Ange! Go visit her too... alwaysange.diaryland.com) and she took pitty on me and has been scheming to make me a cool and spiffy looking diary... but I gave her the wrong access info to start... then my gold membership lapsed So I just spent 1.5 hours trying to pay for more gold. That was nuts in itself. And I don;t wanna relive those moments.

Work has been crazy this week. One of the QC techs from day shift had a streak of medical unfortunacies (is that even a word???) and is now off work for what may be 3 weeks, may be forever. Which is sad. But they have to replace him for the time being, permanantly if needed. And since I am highest on the chain for people they stuck their dick in the asses while they weren't looking, I am next in line to get re-promoted. Yes that makes the yo-yo exchange soar even higher for the year and its only just begun. Sooooooo... I was happy, frustrated and pissed off all at once. Yay! I get the position I love so much back. And grrrr... they didn;t know if it would be 2nd or 3rd shift.... then I was pulling my hair out because a few people want the day shift spot and no one knew where I was going. But tonight, I was finally told. Guess what, I get my job back. 3rd shift for 3 weeks. ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG!

This is bad. Way bad. So bad. Not cool. And like, what the fuck?! Per our union contract they have to give me 2 weeks notice. Per the powers that be I can stick my 2 weeks up my hind end and see if i can shit it thru my nose. They have an emergency. Never mind that my vehicle is in the shop so I wont have a car and nevermind that I live in BF fucking E and no one else does that could transport my sorry ass. And totally nevermind the fact that it's March- there's still snow, and perhaps more to come, this IS Michigan. And to hell with the fact that I DO NOT DRIVE IN THE WINTER. I CAN NOT DRIVE IN WINTER! Nooooooooo... its too bad, so sad, see ya sunday nite at 11 p.m. cuz thats my new monday.

After all the butt fucking I have taken. All the extra miles I ran. ALl the extra b.s. I did. I get fucked. There really is no polite way to say it. IF the guy returns from med leave, I go back to 2nd as a machine operator again. And IF he doesn't return, someone with seniority will bumpo the girl presently going to days back to third, me back to second. And until they figure it out, I'll be the one with no hair left to pull out. The one with a red face from high blood pressure, gnawed off fingertips because I ran out of nails, and the one in a straightjacket. Lions and tigers and bears? Dorothy cant hold a candle to my Assholes, Management and supervisors... OH MY!

So for now, I am trying to find safe transportation by Sunday night. If that doens't work out, I'll have to leave for work 5 hours early to assure that I can even get there at all. And in the mean time I'll be wearing holes in the knees of my jeans begging God, The Father to forgive all my cussing, eveil thoughts, murderous plots and begging him to spare us of any more snow. At least for the next 3 weeks. Le sigh.

On top of all of that, my friends lifes have been crazy. Ray became homeless (that was short lived tho) Tara and her roomie are at each others throats and one may wind up killing another if they don;t part ways and Renee is so engrossed in her Sims online love life that she forgot about the real love life she had and is about to throw it all away.

So on top of dealing with all my insanities, Ive also been trying to talk to my friends about theirs. It's just been ducky.

But there is some greener grass to come my way soon. As of Sunday, Shanw's mom and lil bro should be in their own flipping home. YEE FLIPPING HAW! I get my hosue back. My privacy. My storage spaces. My living room with cozy furniture and a big screen TV. My refrigerator space... no more sharing anything. It almost seems to good to be true. FINALLY! I can;t wait. When she's gone, I will walk around butt ass naked and I swear to not put clothes on until I must leave the house. And only then. Yes, I know I am a heiffer. But damn it... a heiffer who will be in her own house, free of relatives whom have long since worn out their welcome!!!

I am on vacation tomorrow/today. (Its almost 3 a.m. now) Which is Friday. I have all of saturday off and dont have to be to work until 11 p.m. sunday night. Lemme just say that I will be a simming fool. TSO has been my sanity lately. Almost so much so that I now limit my gaming experience so that I dont get too hooked. I almost lost myself in it completely. But this weekend, its me and my sim.

Well, I will be doing some house work. I am a few steps ahead of the spring cleaning schedule. My friends are jealous. But yanno, I like it. :)

And I love my friends. Few as they are... crazy as they are.

Ain't life grand?!

And just a little thought that I have been using a lot lately that a very wise man once tyold me when I was a girl...

The grass always looks greener on the other side... but we all know what makes that grass greener!

Yes, friends. Manure. SHIT! The moral of the story? Everyone has to go thru their own shit to find their green grass.

And no one else's shit is any different than our own.

At least... that was my take.

Have I bored ya to death? Is anyone even out there?

Heh. Good night world. Ive got a SIM to get jiggy with!

As always-



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

What makes the green grass green... - 2003-03-14