Stormy Days
Bitched at 3:11 a.m. on 2002-07-22

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

It's Sunday... the weekend is now over. Tomorrow, (technically today) it's back to work. But it was fun while it lasted.

This morning, around 8 a.m., Shawn and I were still awake and just finishing a movie when a thunderstorm blew in. The sky was black, the thunder loud and rolling, my heart rate, 100 miles an hour. I used to love storms. Then we moved way out into the country, ina mobile home with no basement. Now, I hate them. Ever time it even looks like possible tornado weather, I panic. I have no where to go. Growing up, we lived in a town house with a full absement. The thing was huge. Whenever word got 'round that a tornado may be possible, Mom and Dad would grab us kids, emergency supplies and take us into the basement.

We kids, would be in all of our glory. The basement was our play pen. There were toys everywhere, a radio, a bed, a refridgerator filled with food... what more could we ask for? My brother and sisters would play, Mom and Dad would sit at the table munching and talking... and I would drag all of my stuffed animals, every one and there were a ton, off into my corner where the bed was. I would place them around the bed ina protective circe around me, and I would write poetry.

Funny how a simple storm can brong back memories like that. And funny how memories like those, are so precious and few to me. My only good memories of my family as a whole, consist of the 4th of July bashes and storms. We weren;t often together since my partents worked opposite shifts. And my mother left us when I was 12. And even though I am stilla bit bitter, it's memories like these that I hang on to.

The power went out right after the storm started, like with every major storm in our tiny village. And like usual, it took over 10 hours to get it back on. With no air conditioning, it was a scorcher. And being we have a well, a cold shower wasn't even possible. So I was in true misery.

I managed to pick up and read A Bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks in it's entirety. An awesome love story. I was hooked from the get-go. When I finished that, I knocked off a few long over due snail mails to friends and family. Then I got up and made myself some apple pancakes. Yumm!!!

During my breaks from reading so I didn;t fry my eyes... I got most of my housework done, finished sorting, foldin, hanging the laundry, cleaned out and organized a few cupboards, played with the animals, and then... I went out of my mind.

My phone is chordless. And I don;t have a back up so I couldn;t call and chat with anyone. Shawn slept the day away. I finally chased him outta the bed at 6 p.m.

He was up for maybe an hour before he could take the heat no more and we went in search of a pizza place with air conditioning and power. The one a few miles down the highway was open, and had power. YAY! So we gassed up the truck and sat down to a nice dinner.

When we got home, the power was on and we could resume our normalcy again. I watched t.v. for awhile, and then we played EQ awhile. I got my cold shower, and now I am ready for sleep. I'll probably go unwind a tad bit more in front of the t.v. Shawn's Mom and brother have gone to bed (They came back earlier this eve) and I will be able to watch 6 feet Under. God bless the man who invented TiVo.

I have fastly become addicted to HBO and it's show case series'. Six feet Under, Sex and the City, Arli$$, Oz... and thanks to TiVo, I never have missed an episode.

Hopefully, tomorrow Mother Nature will ease up on the fire and let me work in bearable temperatures. But somehow, I doubt it. But I might not compain... I had a good weekend. I'm still smiling...

Only 5 more days 'til the next one!

Good night... sleep with angels!

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Stormy Days - 2002-07-22