Still feel like a woman
Bitched at 10:17 p.m. on 2002-07-20

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Man, I STILL feel like a woman. I'm even feeling a little Betty Crockerish...LOL. I'll explain as I go.

I must start by saying my 'puters don't seem to like, even tho I am addicted. I get almost all the way thru my posts and next thing I know, I'm froze up. I reboot and all my entry is gone. When I can even get into the sight. So I have entered except for last night in a few days.

I FINALLY got to go see Dr.Vann. He is just who I needed to see. He made me feel, for once, like I'm NOT crazy. But I will be soon if things around here don't get better. But we talked over some possible solutions. And good golly, I finally feel the birth of HOPE!

And all of a sudden, Shawn has had this amazing sex drive. Usually, he's not so... outgoing. Once upon a time. But as the years wore away, so did our sex lives. Not that we didn;t want it, but time didn't allow as much, we're often too tired or too caught up.

But lately, Shawn wakes me up to make loves, puts me to bed making love... we make love in between. I ahve never felt so alive! It's like being in high school again.

Today was no exception! I awoke at noon to the door being hammered on and my dog going ape shitte. I let my brother in, gave him the mail that was here for him and he sped off on his way. Funny to me, as we used to be so close. Now he only calls or stops by when he needs or wants something. But anyways, he left and I let the dog out.

Shawn was still in bed, and I wanted to let him sleep and be productive. So I put on some shorts and a tee and headed with the dog to weed my garden. I was apalled at how many weeds had killed off my vegetation, so I took any left over hidden frustratiobn out on those weeds. I found my zucchini to be gone. All the growing veggies on the plant had been eaten by little black bugs. But only my zucchini. I will be investing in pesticide.

I sat with Chewy as we chowed down a couple popsickles each, trying to cool off from being outside. Then I got up and got Shawn outta bed by 4 p.m. We watched movies together, and then made mad, passionate love.

After we worked up our appetites, I grabbed the recipe cards Ive been getting in the mail and decided to attempt a shot at being Betty Crocker. I had decided on a Sauteed chicken breast in a mushroom sauce, followed by twice baked potates. 2 hours, 2 wonderful dishes later, I achieved perfectrion by my standards. And Shawn was actually impressed. No calls to the fire dept. to have them come shut my lil operation down. YAY!

Right now, we're settled into our games of EverQuest as I type. I'll most likely play for a bit. Then tackle the laundry and dishes. I'll save the rest for tomorrow.

I'm still feeling like a woman. Every woman should get to feel this way... every day.

Ain't love grand?

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Still feel like a woman - 2002-07-20