Simple day
Bitched at 2:02 a.m. on 2002-09-05

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Today was a regular day as any. I felt a lot better today once I got going. I had been having restless fits throughout the night and several dreams that were borederline nightmares... all about EverQuest. A couple people in game really pissed me off the other night I guess more than what I would have led myself to believe. But ah well, what can I do about it?

My brother's friend called me last night asking me if I or my family planned on "coughing up" the $650.00 to get my brother Adam out of jail. He was arrested this weekend for his 2nd drunk driving offense in a month. Yes, he is an idiot. I told Jason that he had to learn a lesson, and maybe sitting there may help him restore some sense to his thoughts, especially that for me and mine, $650 is no small some to "cough up." I was everything but a white girl to him and he said a lot of nasty things then hung up in my face. I have ZERO tolerance for drinking and driving. One drink and I will not drive. First off, as miserab;e as I let myself get sometimes, I don;t want to die. Life is good. And I can't stand the thought of putting someone else, another man, woman or child in danger. the drunk usually lives and the innocents die. No, let my brother learn. Only he can help himself... sad to say.

Work went well. I only had one episode of light headedness and a couple dizzy spells. All minor and easily diminished. YAY for that. No major mishaps toinight either. Double yay!

We got a lot accomplished today. I managed to get shawn up and outta bed a bit early. It was a true miracle. We were able to get our TiVo in for repairs. I was a bit bummed when they said it would take at least 10 days. That pushing it too close to the new start up of the HBO originals seasons. The Soprano's starts its new season the 15th. Arggg. We got our car insurances paid. Groceries needed. And my car payment made. Woot.

We didn;t get home until after 2 a.m. though. But it was an okay day. So I am happy about that.

My friend Ange is going thru a rough time... so I've said a few extra prayers for her tonight. I hope she's okay. She's one hell of a tough cookie,m but there's only so much shit even the best of waders can stand. Hang in there, Ange... Hang in there.

Blessed be. It's off to meet the sand man for me...


0 bitches

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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Simple day - 2002-09-05