Days like these
Bitched at 2:45 a.m. on 2002-08-01

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Today was an average day. It had its ups and downs. But no more than normal actually. We got to work and found everyone, including all of the "big wigs" running about like chickens with their heads cut off. We have been working on running our first shipments of the 2003 model Honda Accord knuckles, fronts and rears. We were due to expedite our shipment at 9 p.m., but if everything didn;t run full boar, we were in trouble.

After getting the scoop on the plans for the day and finding out why everything seemed to be in chaos, the day shift Supervisor and I wandered over to talk to one of my co-workers, but we found her in tears. I led her to the bathroom to help her get herself together and found that one of our co-workers had confronted her over some real b.s. So that was a trip. Once Tina (the confronted one) got over her tears, it became a big joke. We talked about how she could get back and made fun of the other woman 'cuz she's a real bitch. We were all laughing and I got my fair share of digs when I found out the boss wants ME to train her on my line. UGH! And I have no sick days left.... /sob

Tonight was payday. HOORAH! After work we went to Meijer's. The store with everything you could possibly need, all under one roof. It's the biggest one of all of the Meijer's in 3 states. It's really ridiculous of you ask me. But, hey. I'm just there to shop. I didn;t need many groceries, so I got the few I needed. I got my film from taking my niece and nephew to the zoo. The photos came out GREAT! I was excited about that. My sister Lisa's b-day is the 11th, so I bought 2 Spyro games (?) She said there was one she wanted, so I boguht 2, and whatever one she didn't want, I will keep. YAY, Me!

Then I hit the beauty supply/jewlery/makeup counter area. I had bought a watch there months ago, but the battery went dead the very next day. I have been there faithfully, every wednesday night since, but they were unable to get this battery. And it's their most popular one. Makes sense, right? Tonight, they had them in. HOORAY for me again! But when she put it in, it lasted a second, then died again. Problem was not the battery, was the watch. After having it for months, I no longer had the reciept. I was bummed. But she noticed it was a Meijer's exclusive and could tell it had not been worn. So she allowed me to pick out a similar watch, and traded me, even steven. WOOT! That made my night. The only problem is, that it has a day and date setting. You can use english days, or have it read spanish. No matter what efforts we make, the date soen't change, and the days switch to spanish. Thank God I kow the days of the week in spanish. But will every day be the 31st???

While we were in the area, I happened to catch some hair clips on sale. So I added a few... well, ok, a lot actually, to the cart. Shawn didn;t catch that. YAY for me. Then, while he was still trying to set my watch 5 minutes later (The lady behind the counter was just laughing quietly, I had to leave to not bust a gut right there) I headed over to the purse section. My cats have a bad habit of "marking" my purses if they're leather. So I was looing around and found a small, really cute knit purse. Perfect for an evening out. It would hold my I.D., cash and a few necessary cosmetics. AND, it was HALF off. YAY for me! Then I found a really cute hand bag. It's like made of a straw type material. It has leather handles. Not too big, not too small. And it too, was HALF off. So I got both. I figured on spending $20 on a new purse. So why couldn;t I get 2 for 10??? Shawn didn;t like my logic. Maybe he's right. That could very well be the reason I never ever save money at sales. But, no one will ever be able to accuse me of not trying to keep the economy booming.

When we got home, the t.v. was on local channels. His Mom informed us that the satellite was still not working. (She told us it was fine when we left for work) Ugh. So Shawn started tearing into wires, cables and a whole string of cuss words while I organized my new purses. (HA!) Then when I swear to him I paid the bill, he said it wasn't the satellite. I thought, great, a new t.v. and started drooling. But nooooooo. It's the TiVo. /gasp NOOOOOOOOO! I assure you as God as my witness, my life can never be the same without TiVo! We'll have to take it to the repair shop. Hopefully, before the weekend. Can;t miss Sex and the City, Arli$$ or 6 Feet Under! And we were mandatoried 7 days this week. BOOOO!

No phone messages today. The guy at the car repair I thought would have called today for sure. Still nothing. I'll have to call him tomorrow and see what the estimated debt will be.

I checked my e-mail, nothing from EA games. So I can't play my game. 2 e-mails I sent, each with a photo of the original C.D. and all my info... do they want my flipping blood? I have $140.00 plus tax worth of The Sims game C.D.s with the priginal ($39.95) and 3 expansions ($29.95 EACH) and I can't play. DAMN DAMN DAMN!

I think I pulled a back musce tonight, so I'm sore. And I'm positive I pulled the tendon between my thumb and pointer finner. That hurts like a bitch when I type and all. Hopefully, they'll heal quick. In my line of work, pulled anythings are every day occurances.

When I went to get a soda, I found my nephew's amoxicillan in the fridge. Greeeaaat. I don't think if I mailed it, even over night, that it'd be any good. So I called and left her a voice mail. But it's wednesday. My Dad left Sunday. If she hasn;t noticed... we have problems.

So that was my chaotic day. Nothing exciting, got some shopping done, had a flew laughs despite the stress at work. Moved past my 10 defining moments as I read through Self Matters, my new best friend. (A self help book... but GOOD!)And am onto my 7 critical choices. And I didn't get my damn e-mail.

So I am going to sign off this entry. Send a nice, but slightly forward e-mail yet again, in hopes of getting my code. Hit the showers, and sleeeep.

A whole new day starts again tomorrow. And they don't end until the weekend after this one. Ugh. And to top it all off, I ahve a 6 hour CPR training class tomorrow. Yeehaw... NOT!

Remember... "Daddy said there'd be days like these... There'd be days like these, My Daddy said".

Sleep with angels, world. Wash behind your ears. And don't forget to say your prayers.

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Days like these - 2002-08-01