A brief update
Bitched at 2:30 a.m. on 2005-08-05

Currently Feeling: a bit better
Currently Hearing: the fan running
Currently Craving: sleeeeeeeeeeeep

Hello, D'Land! I hope all is well with all of you. Things here have been crazy hectic this week for Shawn and I. This week before work, our days have been filled with many doctor's appointments. I am fighting a severe urinary tract infection, a kidney stone, pre-marital counselling and OB-GYN appointments for follow ups from the miscarriage. But luckily, things are definately getting better. The only shitty part of the week is the fact that I have to work all 7 days this week. But we need the monies something fierce.

Our finances are totally in the toilet right now. It's something we've been struggling with. We're trying to get our head above water. Or at least be able to tread it for awhile. And slowly but surely, we seem to be painfully gaining slight progress. It really sucks losing our quarterly profit sharing bonuses. I would have never guessed how much we would miss that extra income.

Shawn and I have to be up early today to be to the gym to meet with our trainer by 11 a.m. My surgeon's office is giving me the gift of a 3 month free membership and cutting Shawn a decent enough discount taht we can;t afford to take advantage of this opportunity. And honestly, I am quite looking forward to it. For the first time in years, the thought of exersize intrigues me instead of petrifying me. Gone are the days of watching my work out videos from my recliner with a diet soda and a bag of cheetos. Here are the days of actually getting up off of my now tinner ass and making the most of this blessing the surgery has been to me.

A bitter sweet blessing what with the mental mind trips I have been partaking in. But a blessing just the same.

So I will have to cut this entry short. Big day today. Hopefully all goes well. Wish me luck!



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

A brief update - 2005-08-05