Does life get any better? (Long winded)
Bitched at 3:07 a.m. on 2005-07-18

Currently Feeling: Orgasmic
Currently Hearing: The ESPY awards that Shawn TiVo'd
Currently Craving: amazingly, nothing a.t.m.

Life has been good to me as of late. And not to be bitchy or anything, (now that�s a first, eh?) but it�s about damn time really. I was starting to give up on ever achieving peace of mind. But for once it�s starting to take over. And it�s a fine feeling I�m here to tell you.

Things didn�t go well as far as our getting financed on the quads we had wanted. But in the end, I actually believe it�s for the best. We have both decided that we will indeed get them. But we�re going to catch up and pay off some of our every day bills and then start buying them with cash so that we don�t have another bill to fit into our already higher-than-it-should-be budget. So I Haven�t given up hope. Hoozah.

Our trip to Shawn�s cousin Rich�s went very well. Rich and his girlfriend Penny are both fun and laid back. So spending time with them is always a blast. They have a pull along camper that they take on road trips that is parked in their yard when not in use. They allowed us to stay in that for the time that we were there which made things even more comfortable. And then, they let us take the quads out and ride thema round their property. It was my first time having ever had the ultimate pleasure of riding a quad and I must say- I was on cloud nine. What a rush! I was high on some ungodly amount of horse power beneath me as I straddled the motor and enjoyed the vibratic motion of the engine humming along and pushing the quad across the property, I WILL have a quad of my own. It may take a short while, but mark my words- I will have one, damn it! (Ooh, and if you sit just right at the right speed� the trip can truly be orgasmic. Woohoo!)

We all decided one of the nights we were there to load up the cooler with beers and sodas and take our new Kia out two-tracking. We had a blast. We Didn�t do anything too crazy. But there were a couple of spots and one hell of a hill that the Kia managed to amaze me with it�s capabilities. And while we were out trail riding (lost as hell mind you) my sister Gena called my cell. To make a logn story short- she too was in the Clare area at Danny�s parents summer cottage on Crooked Lake. They were up for the huge Budweiser party that they hold every year on the lake and shoot fireworks up over the water off of a couple of pontoons. It was a trip to know we were both in the same area, and decided to crash the party they were having. So once we found our way out of the trails (no small feat I assure you) we met up with Gena, Danny and Ethan and enjoyed one of the most gorgeous and amazing fireworks show I have ever seen. (Thank You, Budweiser!) We shared a few beers and had a fun time. It rocked.

That weekend, my Mom and the boys also moved into their new home. A 2 bedroom cottage style house on 4 acres of land my Mom�s landlord was gracious enough to remove from the reality market so that she would no longer be homeless and have to continue staying in the shelter. Now she has a job cooking for the county jail making a decent wage. Not to mention that it�s a job she loves completely. And she loves her new home also. I will dare to say that in my 29 years, I have never seen my Mom so happy. She is smiling, laughing, enjoyable and at peace for the first time in what seems like forever. I am so grateful to God for this fact. It�s been a long time coming for my Mom. She and the boys all deserve this.

Shawn and I have been enjoying a four day weekend from work. We decided to take some time off of work to chill out and relax. However, me being the total idiot that I am- I decide to tell Shawn that I had this �bright� idea to take the time to utilize our days of to go through the house and give it a good scouring and try to organize the chaotic cluster-fuck my home has become. And instead of being a real man and telling me not to worry, that I deserved nothing short of peace, quiet and four days with my feet up watching the latest episodes of Starting Over, Being Bobby Brown and the like� he agreed that this indeed would be a good time to do that. To his credit, he has in his own way helped me with it. As has his brother Shane, My mom and baby brothers. And to say the least, not only has this been one of the most productive weekends but fun and relaxing also.

Friday, we went into Cadillac to pick up my Mom�s check. We did some shopping and we also went out to dinner also, which was nice. Later that night, my Mom and the boys came back over and we went into Traverse City for the Harry Potter release and the festivities that went along with it. We even went out for ice cream before hand. And I took them to the car wash to help me wash and vacuum the Kia. (Muah-ha-ha) But I am now one of many blessed peoples to have the latest novel from J.K.Rowling�s Harry Potter series, The Half Blood Prince. And I�m damn giddy and excited about that.

Saturday, Mom and the boys came over. Mom brought steaks and the fixings to make a nice dinner. I cooked out on the grill for everyone and we had a nice night together. After they left, Shawn and I were up until after 6 a.m. cleaning. We got the kitchen and the living room organized and scoured. I managed to et rid of all of the bullshit that I had cluttering my living space. I am a huge pack rat and will almost never part with anything sentimental no matter how hideous it might be, no matter how useless it is or how out-dated as you never know when it might be needed. It�s pathetic really. But I come by the pack rat syndrome honestly. I get it from my Daddy! LOL!

Today, Shawn, the puppies and I all slept in until 1:30 p.m. I awoke to find my Mom and the boys had already come over to visit and were patiently awaited for signs of life from us. So we got up, and since once again it was as hot as hell outside- if not hotter- we packed up our gear and headed off to Crystal Lake for a late afternoon stint at the beach. We swam, had a blast and even managed to get a bit of color. Unfortuantely, my legs are still whiter than white and still manage to wake the dead as they glow vibrantly in the dark. When we came home from the beach, the gang ate leftovers from lunch, the Swedish meatballs I had made. (Yummy!) And I made my Mom and I a nice salad and shrimp scampi over spaghetti which was truly mouth wateringly divine. Then Mom and the boys headed out for the night as it was after 10 p.m. Shawn and his brother Shane finished stuccoing the ceiling (it only took a year) tonight - making one hell of a mess in my just freshly cleaned and reorganized living room. (Which means now I get to spend tomorrow re-cleaning it all damn it) While they did that, I cleaned my bathroom spotless. I scoured it so well you could now eat out of both my tub and toilet. (Not that anyone would want to try it. But go on, I dare you!) I even redecorated it a bit and it looks fabulous! I also finished organizing our closet (we only have one in our house- a woman�s worst nightmare I assure you!)

So tomorrow, the only things I have left to do are to finish tidying up the yard, tackle what�s left to do in the spare room, and tackle our bedroom. I have been one hell of a busy beaver this wekend. I think I have managed to do some 20 loads of laundry or better even. I have washed everything we own at least once, sometimes twice because I�m an idiot at times. Yes, I can admit to it. And then I promised myself that before we go back to work on Tuesday, I will sit down and write some many long over due snail mails to very special people in my life.

Ooh, I took a pregnancy test this weekend also, since I have yet to have another period since the miscarriage. Negative. So you know what that means� we have more time to perfect our mating ritual.

Does life get any better than this? If it does, I�m not sure that I want to know about it. I might orgasm myself to death.

Thanks for tuning in� if you made it this far into this entry- you deserve some sort of award! Please, know that you are loved and appreciated!



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Does life get any better? (Long winded) - 2005-07-18