Finally, a good weekend!
Bitched at 12:16 a.m. on 2005-02-08

Currently Feeling: rapturous
Currently Hearing: the dogs being dogs again
Currently Craving: the lasagna baking away in the oven

After a long, stressful couple of months- I finally got the chance to enjoy life and all of it's blessings this weekend! I know that I promised a rant from my position perched atop of my dusty soap box, but that will have to wait for now. I am far, far too excited, too happy and too blessed to bitch in this entry. Perhaps, I might make another entry on my rant as it still irritates me. But for know, still enjoying the after-glow of the best weekend I have had this year (I know, the year is still young yet- but damn...) I don;t wanna bitch. I just want to rehash and relive all the good stuff! I want to wrap myself in this case of the "warm fuzzies" and hold on tight for all they're worth.

I had to work Saturday, and Shawn had both Friday and Saturday off to take care of his Mom who is now out of the hospital and recovering well. I was a bit bummed about having to work, but the money will make it nice come pay day. But as far as work days go- Saturday was pretty uneventfulon all of the lines and we were able to enjoy ourselves and not face a lot of stressful moments.

Since Shawn didn't have to work- I had had to find rides to an from since I don't drive. I was able to get Jamie to get me there and back. That in itself, was quite the trip. Rides with Jamie are always pretty relaxed. Like me, he is an avid chatterbox and that always puts me at ease. But unfortunately, Jamie ate a bowl of ice cream for breakfast and decided to chase it down later on with his pepsi. Now, y'all prolly don;t know Jamie- but for those of us who do, we know and fully understand in it's entirety that Jamie should never, ever- under any circumstances ever have dairy products and then Pepsi. It gives him gas like you wouldn't believe. Well, Saturday was no exception. He kept farting and left the window rolled up. It smelled like something had crawled up his ass and died. Ugh. All in good fun though.

And then Renee is back in town! So I got to see her Friday briefly. Damn, she looks good. She asked what we were doing on Sunday for the Super Bowl and I told her that she was more than welcome to join us- so she did. YAY! She came over early afternoon, and I made a nice dinner of ceasar salad, baked potatoes and shrimp scampii. Our favorite meal. We are both avid shrimp and ceasar salad fanatics.

She indulged in a few mixed drinks, and in the spirit of Super Bowl Sunday and our happy reunion, I indulged ina couple of margaritas. I even used tequila- just very, very little so as not to get drunk or upset my belly. But they went down smooth and I avoided even getting a buzz, so I must've used little enough tequila so as not to cause damage.

Renee and I chatted well into the wee hours of the morning about her new husband and family. She has two stepdaughters and a whole set of in laws. She talked about life in Canada and all that she misses about home. We both agreed that life for each of us just is not the same without her being home. I guess she hasn't made any friends up there unfortunately. But she can't work as she's not a citizen yet, so it's probably hard enough without that edge- let alone beign in a foreign country. It was a happy reunion between friends. I really, truly miss our "girl's night out" weekends. Our trips to Red Lobster for dinner and hanging out at Tara's just talking over life, having fun and doing the "girly" things in life. Tara and I don't talk much at all anymore. I see her once in awhile when she stops into work- but that's about it. And trips to Canada to visit Renee have yet to be in the cards.

We all enjoyed the Superbowl immensely. As fans of New England we were thrilled that they won- again! And even more so when the one quarter was tied up 7 to 7. Since Shawn and I were on several football boards and one was a 7/7 square. I was elated to know I won $50. What I was not elated to know was that we spend $46 to win the $50. Go figure. But hey- we're up $4. Better than nothing... right?

Oooh, I also got a wild hair up my ass and after cleaning the bathroom this weekend- I found a bottle of hot pink hair dye from one weekend Tara, renee and I were feeling crazy and compelled to be spontaneous. Well, I washed my hair and dumped the remainder of the bottle (it was almost full, but not quite) on my head andlet it set. I now have pinkish hair. It's not quite hot pink. But it's definately pink. I love it! I got some looks and a few comments about it. But I just laugehd. Fuck 'em all! It works for me.

And my sex life heated up a few notches too! When I got homr from work Saturday, Shawn had fixed my new oven. It had been leaving a black soot all over everything. pots and pans, which spread to everything we touched after washing dishes or moving the cookware about. No more soot. HOORAH! And he had also spent a lot of time working on the house since he was home and I had been working. What a doll.

So in the light of being in a fabulous mood, I stripped him down to next to nothing. He was still filthy from working on the sooty stove but I didn't care. We got pretty wild too. I tried being on top again. A new experience as of late for me. But oh my, I got it right this time. Hoo-ah! Man did that rock. And then I hopped up onto my kitchen table (after laying down a throw blanket for those of you who might read this and never wish to dine at my table again! LOL!) And he asked what I was doing. I told him it was time to "christen" the table he bought me 6 years ago. He looked a little taken back, until I informed him that Samantha and Nicol had fucked on our table (can you believe they told me afterwards?! LOL!) and why the hell should I not?

So he dove in- literally. Ahhh... what a night of long, mad, passionate love making. We tried all kinds of new tricks, techniques and positions!

It truly has been an amazing weekend. Definately, a logn over due one. But that can't be helped I guess. I'll take each blessing as I get them.

So last week ended wonderfully. And this week's off to a good start. And I am grateful for that.

Wishing you all the same! Thanks for tuning in, Y'all!



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

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Finally, a good weekend! - 2005-02-08