Calgon... take me away!
Bitched at 7:31 p.m. on 2005-01-22

Currently Feeling: exhausted and worn down
Currently Hearing: Madden Football- what else?
Currently Craving: Runnign water and some Calgon

This past week has been a little bit too busy and hectic for me! I don't even know for sure when the last time I updated was. My schedule has been busy enough for two people, and then with the extra added stresses and unexpected disasters occurring- it's a wonder I have any hair left at all really.

Ol' Jack frost finally got off his ass and decided to give us northern Michiganders a big ol' dose of the medicine he had to offer. Not that I personally wanted or even needed it- but he didn't seem to take that into consideration when he dropped the temperatures way down into the single digits. (And that's without the wind chill factor) And he also decided to give the ski resort down the road just what it's been begging for... inches upon inches of the most pristine powder you ever did see. Oh yes, we got snow Ladies and Gentlemens. Lots and lots of snow. Ugh! And unfortunately, although we kept saying that we needed to get out to the well house and put it's yearly light bulb in there to keep the area warm and cozy so that the pipes didn;t freeze- we never actually got around to doing much more than talking about it.

Our bad. We've beenw ithout running water for almost a week now. Oh, we finally got the pipes at the well pump unfrozen. However, things had been frozen for long enough that it took to freezing in the pipes... under ground. Oh yeah, you know what that means? No running water- hot or cold until we get a good thaw. It's looking like we'll have running water again in oh... 3 months or so! GRR! Yeah, so that's sucks moose cock in a major way. No water to wash my hands, shower, brush my teeth, laundry or for dishes. nope, none. So we have water jugs that we have to haul through the drifts of snow to the middle of the yard where the well house is. Fill them up and lug them into the house for whatever purposes we need it for. Let's just say that my bathroom is not a pleasant place to be anymore. Heh. So for however long it takes, it's going to be like living on Little House on the Prairie, with the occasional trips to his Mom's house for showers and use of the washer.

Speaking of his Mom, she took to being ill last night. I'm not sure what was wrong with her as she has so much going on these days. but i was called early this a.m. to let us know that she had the ambulance come and pick her up and take her to the hospital. Oh my. We've been trying to call there all day and into tonight to no avail. So we still don;t know what's going on- only that they admitted her. I'm thinking she's having another round of her pancreatitis again. Poor woman. They need to figure out what the hell is going on with her and fix it once and for all!

I missed a physical therapy appointment and my 6 motnh check up with my surgeon this past week amidst all of the choas going on. And we also had to take a vacation day Friday which bummed me out since we don't really have many to spare.

We did manage to get Digger a new home. So we're back to only 4 dogs and the 3 cats. I was hoping someone would call on the cats. But we can;t seem to find anyone with a farm who will take them. It's sad, but I might have to take them to the Humane Society. Which I dread doing. But they have definately got to go.

I was supposed to go into the city and hang out with Heather and run some wedding planning errands. But with everything going on, that didn;t happen either. I felt horrible, Heather was bummed. As was I. But I promised her that we could definately go to the Bridal Show at the resort tomorrow as planned. Samantha and Nicol will be going with us too. And then Don and Heather are coming over afterwards and I will make them a big turkey dinner to make up for today.

Everything has just been so entirely nuts!

At this point, right here and now- I feel such a deep desire for a "calgon moment!" One which I cannot indulge in of course, having no running water and all.

So I guess I will just do what I do best- and make the most of this situation. Whatever that might end up being.

Wishing you well, friends.



0 bitches

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Calgon... take me away! - 2005-01-22