Restored Cheer!
Bitched at 2:30 a.m. on 2004-12-29

Currently Feeling: much, much better!
Currently Hearing: Madden Football. Shawn's hooked.
Currently Craving: less blonde moments. Or at least less expensive ones..

Well, my holiday cheer has been restored. (Better late than never- right?) After fretting over my camera and the possibility of losing it... I recieved it tonight via UPS. (God bless the men in uniform!) It turns out that when I stopped in my Aunt's garage to smoke a cig while the truck warmed up, I set the camera down and missed grabbing it again. Lesson learned. I am thinking about having permanant metal rings installed into my flesh to attach my camera bag to so that it does nto happen again.

Anyways... the past few days have been exhilerating and wonderful. And although I really do not want to deal with the unemployment system here- I am actually enjoying this week off of work. I don't know why though. I think I am working h arder at home than I ever would have at work oddly enough. Shawn and I have tackled so much of the "Honey-Do" list as a team. We've gotten so much done- and yet, there is still so much to do. But we're making great progress.

I have been dealing with another ulcer. Mary Kay, my nurse, asked me bluntly if I was smoking, I couldn't lie- Yes, I am. Ashamedly so. She says smoking will cause the ulcers and that I need to quit. Well, she's right. I do. I have been working on it for awhile. It's hard. But I have GOT to. These ulcers are driving me bonkers. But Shawn made me promise not to quit until after the New Year and we're back to work. That way, I can be a bitch to Frank and the rest of the people there instead of concentrating on him. LOL! So New Year's resolution #1... Quit Smoking. Ugh.

I am finally feeling less panicked about the wedding. I was in quite a state as we couldn't find an officiant. We're both religious people of different faiths. He's Catholic. I'm Catholic-Lite as he so comically puts it.(Lutheran) And neither of us believes in organized religion or are associated with any churches up north here. But one of the guy's who works with us has a wife whom I remembered to be an ordained minister. So to make a long story short- I got ahold of them and begged and pled with them. His wife graciously accepted my grovelling and told me that she had never performed a wedding- but would be glad to do it. And free! WOOHOO!

The lady who offered to cater (free again! Can ya believe my luck? I still can't!) says she cooked a buffet for her wedding last summer with 5 meats and tons of fixings for only $500. I'm just giddy. Both of those blessings, plus nailing a hall has eased my mind immensely! Now all we have to do is find a D.J. and start saving to pay for everything. But I'm excited now. I'm even going to register for gifts this week. YAY! That should be fun!

As for my weight loss... I am doing quite well! I started out in a size 32 jeans. And if ya know anything about women's sizes, you know that that means shopping at Tent -n- Awning stores to buy any type of clothing. No discount stores or major retailing it for me then. But I was flabbergasted and all but passed out qwhen I walked into the local Wal-Mart and put on a pair of jeans that were a 20! Talk about excited!

I still have quite a bit more to lose. But I am past the 100 pound mark and that's a feat in and of itself. I am literally standing in the mirrors every day and lookign at the new contours in my body. Where rolls once plagues my flesh, they are receding and curves and contours I once only dreampt of have formed.

I can see my breasts now where they were once overpowered by my protruding gut. (People actually comment about this fact almost every day) I can now see my toes without losing my balance and falling on my face and lying there like a beached whale. I can sit down like a lady with my legs together or even crossed. Which I do often because this is the first time in my 28 years I have ever been able to do so.

This whole experience has been amazing. It's changed my body, enlightened my spirit, enhanced my outlook on life and for once- I know a happiness like no other.

Now if only they had some sort of bypass surgery to cure "blonde moments" like they do for weight loss- I'd be one hell of a woman. But unfortunately, I'm doomed to be a blonde for life. But a damned sexy, slimmer blonde.

I'm not conceited, mind you. I'm just convinced.

Can I get an Amen?

Thanks for tuning in... I'm going to sack out. Sleep deprivation is making me a bit loopy. A loopy blonde is so not a good thing.



1 bitches

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Restored Cheer! - 2004-12-29