Aches, pains, puss and proteins?
Bitched at 1:52 a.m. on 2004-08-26

Currently Feeling: protein deprived...
Currently Hearing: the whir of a fan in the window.
Currently Craving: mouth watering, succulent protein that doesn't make one gag to death.

Today turned out to be an all right day. I was a little bit productive today. I didn't want to be... but I had to be. For the sake of keeping my sanity.

Shane came over and laid Barklee James to rest. It's been a week since his death, and unfortunately- his body was wrapped up and contained in the garage until today. I felt horrible about it. But Shawn just couldn't bury him. He tried but in the end, we're paying Shane for the work. But I feel beter knowing that our baby is at rest in the Earth now. Rest in peace, sweet baby. Rest in peace.

I was up at 11 a.m. when Shane arrived. he needed a lift to the hardware. I thought it would be a waste if I didn't accomplish something since I was up so early. So I put a load of washed clothes in the dryer and started another load. Only then did I go back to sleep. LOL.

I got up with Shawn sometime around 1:30 p.m. and worked on folding the mountain of laundry that had been building in my living room. With that done, I settled in to finish Welcome to Temptation, by Jennifer Crusie. Another good one by her. Unfortunately, I started reading her out of order. So I am going to head to the city one of these days and pick up the first two books she wrote. I don't think they're a series really, but two of the last three I read had the same characters. Mz. Crusie is another fabulous writer. She keeps me entertained.

Samantha and Nicol came over and hung out for about an hour before Samantha had to be to work. Then Nicol came back over after Samantha left for work and we played cards for hours. Nicol whooped my fanny at two games of Skip-Bo, two games of Rummy and a game of Phase Ten before I called it a night.

When Shawn got home, he chewed my fanny once again about my protein intake. I won't even begin to fabricate the lie taht I am getting enough in a day. He knows I'm not- I know I'm not. And I know that's scary. But I can barely eat anything over a few bites. Have you ever tried to coat your food in a nasty sand paper tasting protein powder? Ewww. I did get half a protein shake in today, quite a bit of cheeses and some raviolis. I was impressed. He wasn't. I have just got to try harder- seriously.

Happily enough, Shawn loaned our Union the use of his available credit limit on his Visa card and got me set up with an account on there, so I was able to put up an oh-so-cheesy starter web page. I'm still new at the whole http thing, but it's a start. The web page even tells you so. In fact, that's all it says really. Oh, it has a couple of nice logos and a spiffy background. And even a few links. Wee! But it's progress. And anytime ya move ahead, it's better than going back. Now, if I could only get the printed newsletter off the ground...

So this is the way my life goes now-a-days. Can I get a big BORING?! I keep hoping that one day soon, a big excitement bug will sneak up from behind me and remind me that life is more than aches, pains, puss and trying to get enough protein in in a day!



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Aches, pains, puss and proteins? - 2004-08-26