Still not hungry... 'magine that
Bitched at 2:05 a.m. on 2004-08-03

Currently Feeling: Much, much better
Currently Hearing: the fan hum
Currently Craving: nothing at all right now

You know, I was having such a fantastic day... until I typed out a huge update only to be lost in a D'land error or some sort! ARG! So lemme try to recap in shorthand.

Shawn and I were able to make love for the first time since my surgery last night. He had to do most of the work of course, but that kind of worked for me... hehehe. I can;t tell you how amazing it was to connect with him on taht level again. It was nice and comforting. And happily enough, he must have worked some magic on me. I slept a full night for the first time since surgery too! I went to bed and I think I got 10 hours of sleep. I was shocked. I haven't felt so rested in so long. I was raring to go today. I even managed some light housework. I probably wuld have gotten more done, but my Mom and brothers showed up unexpectyedly and wanted to spend the night. So they're here. Tomorrow is Boo's 14th b-day. Wow.

AQdam is coming up for the night tomorrow also as he has to be to court in the city Wednesday. He's bringing cassidy with him per my request. She was really bummed out when she didn;t get to stay longer. So I figured since I don;t have to work, and she would be wonderful company and siunce school's still out- she could come up for a week or two. Until I go down to Saginaw. I think cassie will give me someone not only to keep me company, but also motivated. She'll be wanting to walk to the park and do things outside so i'm getting the prescribed exercise I need. YAY!

I am so anxious to be getting down to Saginaw. My baby sister Gena is ready to pop with her first child. I just hope and pray she holds out 'til I get down there. And then speakign of pregnancies, Chewy is about to have a litter too! Suprise, suprise! Babies and puppies gallore soon!

I'm still not hungry believe it or not. I don't crave food in the slightest. I'd almost rather not eat save for the fact that I need the nutrients. I ahve had it up to my eyeballs in cream soups. Although I strained the noodles and whatnot out of chicken noodle tonight and the broth hit the spot. (Thank You Campbell's!)

Well, gonna shower and get some sleep. Big day for me tomorrow!

Thanks for tuning in and all of your well wishes. Y'all rock!



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Still not hungry... 'magine that - 2004-08-03