Healing up!
Bitched at 2:03 a.m. on 2004-08-03

Currently Feeling: better but itchy
Currently Hearing: peace and quiet... woohoo
Currently Craving: nothing atm.

Today was a good day... until i figured out that my super gold membership expired and there's no room on my c.c. at the moment. Ahh well. Sucks for that anyways.

But I slept an entire night! I can;t tell you how awesome that is to me. i have been only getting 4 hours of sleep at best lately. I went to bed at like 3 a.m. or so, give or take. And I slept til 1 a.m. Amazing I tell you! Then I still took my late afternoon nap, but since I am still taking pain meds, that's to be expected.

I'm not having much pain at all unless I try to hard to be too active. So I wasn;t taking the pain meds until Shawn approached me about it. he wants me to take it so I can move about better, which is true. It allows me to do more since there isn't any pain. So I take it.

I even managed to make love to Shawn last night. Okay, so he made love to me. Unfortunately for him, he had to do all of the work, but hey, worked for me! The only shitty part is having to use condoms after almost 11 years of not. But ya gotta do what's right. And getting pregnant right now is out of the question.

Speaking of pregnancies, my baby sister Gena is about to burst any time. She's getting pretty anxious. I just hope and pray she can hold out 'til I get down there. this is somethign I do NOT want to miss yanno? My dog Chewbacca lynn is also about to pop a litter out. Barklee got her in "the family way". She's so miserable. She can;t seem to get comfy and her belly sags to the floor practically. I love holding her because she lets us hold her belly and we get to feel the puppies kicking. I think she has a football team in there!

My infection seems to be fading fast. hoorah for that. I'll be glad when we don;t have to worry about it anymore and can let it heal up finally. Everything else is healing very well. Almost too well. It itches like crazy and is driving me nuts.

I lost 18 pounds in the first week. I was so excited. And my Mom was amazed at how different I look now. Even I am noticing it. It's a trip to say the least!

Well, gonna htit he shower and then the sack. Thanks for tuning in and wishing me well. Y'all rock!



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Healing up! - 2004-08-03