This Old house- Trailer Park rendition!
Bitched at 9:31 p.m. on 2004-06-27

Currently Feeling: productive
Currently Hearing: the rain hitting the roof...
Currently Craving: a toilet, I have to pee. sorry

This has been a productive weekend. I never thought I would ever be one to say that, ha ha. Productive and weekend just never belonged in the same sentence to me before.

We both woke up fairly ewarly saturday (1 p.m.- early for us on the weekend anyways) and we went right to work on the house. Between Shawn, Shane and Samantha's hard work, teh drywall is now hung and I have a white cieling in place of the dilapidated beams and falling insullation. It hasn't been mudded or sanded or even painted yet, that's still all got to be done. but even right now, having it all hung is a major improvement. We could leave it like that for awhile and it wouldn;t bother me. but i am NOT telling Shawn that- just in case he takes it too literally. LOL!

I got the pantry cleaned out (no small feat mind you), i got the kitchen cleaned and my cupboards organized. I did up most of the laundry. We got almost all of the yard work done and I even got most of my ornaments out there.

Things really are looking great. And Shawn and I even had a "moment." I mean, it was short lived and unless you were me, you probably wouldn't have even noticed it or known it was significant... but I did, so taht's what counts.

I just got 5 of Tim McGraw's CD's. I love the song about the Way the Wind blows or something like that. That song was playing while we were out on the porch working with the saw and what not. I made Shawn stop working long enough to pull him into my arms and we danced.

It was one of those moments that stops your breath and all time until it ends. One moment that erases all of the irritants one might have caused.

In that moment I was happy, relaxed and in love. I even started to cry. I know, I know- I'm such a dork.

Later in the evening, I cooked steaks on the grill and Nicol joined us for dinner since Shane and Samantha were at work. They joined us when they got home. The girls and I played games until 4 a.m.

Tomorrow starts Shawn and I working on the day shift. I'm thinking it'll be a nice change seeing as how it is only for a week... but working for the day shift super with the other day shift QC's makes me nervous... we'll see how it goes I guess. At least being on day shift when we get out of work we can actually run errands since businesses will actually be open.

We've still got a bit more projects to finish up INSIDE. Then the dumpster arrives Friday and the weekend brings on Cherry Festival , our VACATION and all the outisde projects.

I kind of feel like we've stepped into a trailer park rendition of This Old House. LOL!

Wish me luck...


0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

This Old house- Trailer Park rendition! - 2004-06-27