Saw my surgeon!
Bitched at 2:36 a.m. on 2004-04-24

Currently Feeling: Free
Currently Hearing: Oh oh... take the info and ruuuuuuuuuuuun
Currently Craving: weight loss

I have really got to start updating more frequently. If only I had teh time, the resources to do so and the damn energy. Anymore, I pack my schedule so tight I have to pencil in time just to think. My mind is constantly going a million miles a minute without any rest stops. but for once in my life... I'm going with the flow. I am actually enjoying the stimulation. I think it all falls back to when I finally decided to have the baritric surgery. It was like once I made the decision to go through with it, life changed. In every way possible. I stopped letting the little things get me down. i satrted taking time to smell the roses, if you will. The little things began to matter and the catastrophes became obstacles to get through and over... but they were no longer barriers taht kept me from moving on. A huge weight has been removed from my shoulders. A lot fo bitterness, anger and hatred were all cast aside. And the depression, it's not such a big part of my life. I just decided I could either let everything get to me and live life miserable, or I could take the bull by the horns, make due with what I had and try to make the best of things. Sure, I still ahve moments where I wonder what the hell I am getting myself into. I still ahve moments of temporary insanity and wanna choke someone. But those are fewer and farther between. And I for one, am happy about it.

I went and saw my surgeon and the nurse who deals with all of the bariatric surgery candidates. I must say that Dr. Featherstone and Mary Kay are two people who have put all of my worries at ease. Doc is a no holds barred kind of guy. He tells you like it is and if you don;t like it- tough shit. It's a "his way or the highway" agreement. I found this out when the subject matter came up to the fact that I am a smoker. No doctor is ever happy to hear that. He made it veryclear taht he will not operate on me until I have been cigarette free for 8 weeks. Yikes! That's no easy feat for any smoker. Especially opne like me. I have smoker for 14 years. I LIKE smoking. Smoking has been such a huge part of my life. Non-smokers will never understand. I don't ever try to make a non-smoker understand how gruelling quitting can be. But those who smoke or ever have know that smoking is as much a part of you after awhile as getting dressed in the morning. It's much more than a habit. I'm not proud of it. It's just how it is. And now, after 14 years, I have to quit. It's been hard so far. I have managed to scale back to 2 or 3 cigarettes a day. It's still nto smoke free, but it's a HUGE feat for me to have accomplished in a week. I'm telling ymself taht by Monday (2 days from now) I am going to attempt to go smoke free. No small puffs here or there. No 2 or 3 cigs. i ahve to do this if I want to be operated on. And I really, really, really wanna be operated on.

Also before I can have the surgery, I have to lose 10-15 lbs. Everyone keeps asking me why. That if I could lose the weight on my own, I would not need the surgery. This is true. However, they feel as though I need to prove my dedication. If I can go the extra mile and really crack down, then they know I am up for the challenge. Bariatric bypass surgery is no walk in the park. It's like making your way to hell and back i have been told. I have thought about that. I know it's got to be at least somewhat true!

That's why I am gonna quit smoking. People said I should just lie. Hell no! Smoking makes you heal slower, it also can incraese risks for clotting. No thanks! I want to become healthy. I want to become thinner.

I have been thinking... no matter what. Whether or not I get this surgery... which by the way, i was approved by the surgeon. I am in the final stages. the ONLY things holding me back that is out of my control is insurance. There are a lot of demands you must meet before you can be approved. my family doc might fuck me on this one. But no matter what- I am a new person regardless. I will always have what i ahve elarned thus far. And I am gonna take it and run. One way or another.



0 bitches

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Saw my surgeon! - 2004-04-24