Case of spring fever and a side of nerves...
Bitched at 10:01 p.m. on 2004-04-14

Currently Feeling: sopring fever
Currently Hearing: myself hum a happy little tune
Currently Craving: thinness

It was such a beautiful day today! It was such a shame to get 15 minutes of the gorgeous sunlight and a few breaths of fresh air before having to walk through the door of the plant and into the dank, gloomy and foul atmosphere. You can see the spring fever in people. everyone's chattering on and on about all of the things they plan to get accomplished around their houses and in their gardens and yards this year. I'm one of them. I caught one hell of a fever that's got spring written all over it.

I'm starting to get nervous and yes, a bit freaked out about surgery now. I go to see the surgeon the 19th. I'm scared to death that the surgeon will for one reason or another decline to do my surgery. That wuld not go over well. If I ahd to sum it up in one word--- devastation. I have finally gotten to the point where I want this more than anything. I ahve researched it, prayed over it and decided to do it. And to be denied now, would probably destroy any hopes for me, honestly.

Shawn and I just talked about it some more. He said he understands why I want to do it. I asked him if he were more comfortable with me having the gastric bypass and he said if it were him, he wouldn't do it. He was quick to add that I shouldn;t let that change my mind and I assured him it wouldn't. With or without his support (I'd much rather it be with though), I have decided to do this. I'm doing this for me! I can't stress that enough.

I got to the point after many, many years of being fat where I was comfortable in my own skin. I grew to love me for me- unconditionally. And now, I think the greatest gift I can give myself is this surgery. It's like giving myself a new lease on life. And a healthier one to boot.

Shawn is uncomfortable with the fact that this is a permanant choice. He says he thought what happens if some freak incident occurs and someone had to spend the rest of their life slurping nutrients through a straw. A possibilty? Maybe. But for me, a risk I have opted to take.

There's a support group meeting for people considering, having and have had the surgery locally the 26th. I'm going. I was even tickled to find out that Barbara Thompson will be a speaker there. She wrote the book, Weight Loss Surgery." It's been my "bible" through this whole process since I found out about it. So I'm geeked. I'm gonna call and reserve my seat tomorrow.

I haven't had a lot of readers out there lately, but to those of you who are- THANK YOU! And please, pray for me. This hasn't been an easy process and I haven't even made it through the worst parts. I'm gonna need all the help I can get!

But I'm gonna make it. I'm not leaving myself any other options. I am so ready, quite willing and able through the many friends, family and others who have been my strength. I am a truly blessed person.



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Case of spring fever and a side of nerves... - 2004-04-14