My views on abortion
Bitched at 10:33 p.m. on 2004-03-25

Currently Feeling: Withdrawals
Currently Hearing: my teeth grinding (nic fit!)
Currently Craving: a cigarette

I saw a bumper sticker on a vehicle parked in the lot at work. It�s a bumper sticker I have seen ever day for the past week, each time reading it and each time it stages a war between a Me that once was, and the Me that exists now. Funny how much time and circumstances can change you. The bumper sticker is plain black and what. It reads:

Right to life? That�s a LIE! Babies don�t choose to die!

My response in thought? �Touch�.� (a new word I seem to be growing rather fond of I might add.)

You know, growing up- I always felt that it was a woman�s choice when it came to birthing a baby, adoption or an abortion. I wondered who the hell all those protesters were that would try to force their beliefs so harshly onto others. Where did they get off and why didn�t they lay off? They didn�t know the circumstances that caused it! I wanted to scream when a protesting group was throwing rabbit fetuses at one abortion clinic at people. No matter what happened, deciding on an abortion for 99% of the women- was probably the hardest decision they ever had to make. Couldn�t we just leave them alone damn it?

And then it happened. I got my wake up call and for once, I didn�t miss it. All because of one person�s bumper sticker that we happen to park next to daily. It hit me like a Mack truck square in the gut� I�m anti-abortion� And I never thought I�d ever be. In my oh-so-humble opinion, that sticker is right. Babies do NOT choose to die. Hell, they didn�t even choose to live. The parents did, whether or not they realized it.

I was discussing this with a friend just the other day and they asked me what changed. Indeed, what has changed? I gave the only answer I could� I changed. You see, 10 years ago I entered into a relationship with the love of my life. 6 years ago we both decided we were ready, willing and able to bring a baby into this world. We both wanted to have several children to love, teach and watch grow.

But for as much as we wanted it, as hard as we tried and despite every effort� we failed. We have been told that we may never have a baby. We both have fertility issues. I remembering struggling with that fact, trying not to let it tear away at my hopes and dreams. Trying to not allow that fact to erode the love Shawn and I shared.

And one day, my sister Lisa called. She was pregnant for my nephew. I know it had to be hard for her to call and tell me that� she�s always worried how I�ll take the news. And I admit I handled it well. I congratulated her. Talked for a bit and then I hung up. And when I did, I bawled. I kicked. I screamed. I cursed God and all I held Holy. I went through a week long pity party for one.

And then our baby sister Gena called me. Lisa was going to get an abortion could I talk to her. Never before in all my life have I ever been so emotional. I was desperate to help her. Sad that she had chosen that. Angry as hell that she made and wanted to destroy a a baby, knowing there were people like me out there. Couples like us.

You see, I understand that there will always be cases where an abortion might be relative. Say if the Momma�s life is endangered, she was raped, etc, etc. But I also know, that for every baby aborted� there must be a million couples like Shawn and I who desperately want to have children and can not.

I don�t care how poor you are, how scared, how young� there is ALWAYS someone out there who will be glad to love the baby that you for some reason can not.

I see 99% of abortions as selfish, hateful and cowardly acts. I know I can�t stop people out there. I can only tell my story. I can only share my hurt.

And I can pray that someday, people will realize that there are people like me� couples like us.



P.S. Today I went a whole day without a cigarette... yay, me!

2 bitches

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My views on abortion - 2004-03-25