Fantabulous Journey
Bitched at 10:27 p.m. on 2004-03-02

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Currently Craving:

I had the best weekend I have had in years this past weekend. I must admit that going in, I did have my doubts. But who wouldn�t after what I went through Thursday night? Let me start from the beginning�

Thursday, I was all excited. I packed up the car before we left for work so that we could hit the open roads directly after our shift ended. The only problem with that, I found, was that once I was at work we realized that we had no cash for my trip. And I had left the checkbook at home. Ugh. So I called my Dad and arranged for him to cash a check I wrote him. No big whoop. That just meant a short delay in getting to my drop off point.

Work dragged on endlessly as always right before an exciting weekend. But we finally made it through. Shawn and I hopped in the car and headed for home. About 5 miles away from our road, while I was deep in thought planning my schedule for the weekend- Shawn slammed on the brakes, tires squealed their displeasure and I wide eyed turned to Shawn to see what the hell he was doing. In the process of looking over at Shawn, I saw a HUGE deer looking scared as hell in the driver�s side rear window just before I heard the crunch of him slamming into the car. We finally stopped and hopped out. The deer, I�m hoping made it out okay as he still managed to run off. And luckily, the only damage seems to be a scrape/smear down the side of our car.

We made it home finally. I ran in and grabbed the last few things and we set off for my drop off. My sister beat us there and decided to go up the road further. We managed to hook up and I got everything into her car�s trunk and settled in. She had just gotten her car. A new used Monte Carlo, candy apple red complete with a sun roof. Man, it was gorgeous save for the fact that it�s red. (I HATE red on any vehicle) It was a smooth ride and definitely had balls, which my sister was quick to show off.

About an hour into the trip, her battery light comes on and she starts getting nervous. I do my best to calm her and tell her it�s probably nothing. But then the anyti-lock brake light comes on. The battery and ABS light start alternating. Now I�m starting to get nervous. Next thing I know, my sister and I are laughing as she explains to her new girlfriend Tania that every time she gets a new vehicle, the alternator goes out. (It�s true). She just had bad luck I guess. Then the oil light comes on and the 3 lights vary as they flash on and off. I tell my sister that it can not be the alternator because we�d loose power� lights would dim, etc. so we continue on. About 10 minutes more, the lights dim. The car starts chugging. I�m starting to panic and my sister is near tears.

We get just into Saginaw County and have to stop at a red light. I tell my sister to NOT take her foot off the gas. She does. We stall. Dead car. mid intersection. Ducky, just ducky. So� Tania, my pregnant baby sister, Gena and I all get out to push the car into the 7-11 that happens to be sitting on that corner. After episodes of my sister�s braking and mis-steering, we finally manage to get the Monte into the parking lot and call for help.

My brother and Danny, Gena�s boyfriend show up, jump the Monte and follow us home. We made it! Yeehaw! After all that, the rest had to be smooth sailing�

And it was. I was in all my glory. My Daddy was on cloud nine telling us how giddy he was to have all 4 of his �babies� under one roof again. He was a cooking fool, filling our bellies with his creative edibles and humming the whole time.

Gena, Lisa, Tania and I all went and had pedicures and manicures. Gena, Lisa and I all now sport caution orange toenails with flowers painted artfully on our big toes. I made it to Cassie�s Hockey Game� through a shopping trip� spent time with my family. It was fantabulous! And it ended too soon.

To be continued�.



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Fantabulous Journey - 2004-03-02