Happy Days are here again
Bitched at 3:59 a.m. on 2003-08-16

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Man, what a day! It�s been really crazy. I have been in such an awesome mood. Nothing shook it today- which in itself, is a miracle. Especially with this heat wave that is leaving us sweating ourselves senseless. Which that alone has been hilarious. It�s been fun for me to watch everyone at work find all kinds of nifty and oh so creative ways to get cool and stay cool.

The funniest was when Frank, another Q.C. in our plant who is a good buddy, came up and stuck my gauge tables air hose in my front pocket of my jeans and sprayed the jet stream (highly powerful actually) of cold air down my leg. Well, woohoo! That really did work for cooling one down. We always did that with the air in our shoes. You�d be surprised how much cool feet make a difference. Well anyhow, he was walking away, and me, being the smartass I am, put the hose down deep in my pocket and sprayed, while sticking my leg out and shaking it like a dog does when it�s scratched in just the right spot. At that exact moment, one of the mechanics was walking by and saw me. He stopped dead, shook his head and then kept moving on. Didn�t say a word. I busted a gut the minute I was caught. Frank got a good laugh too. You may have just had to be there. But it was funny, rest assured.

It was like that all night. I was in such high spirits that I was caught on several occasions singing (quite badly actually) to myself and bebopping in the aisles. I didn�t care. It was just fun and that�s the mood I was in! And Lord knows I wasn�t complaining. I have had my fair share of foul moods.

Oh Flame Boy seems really pissed. He�s been giving me the evil eye and glares. I was sitting down eating in the lunchroom and he sat beside me. I couldn�t wait to see what shit he was ready to dish out. The guy across from us asked Flame Boy if he was sick. To which he said no, then yes, he was sick of all the bullshit. I told him if he wasn't standing there shoveling out the shit, he wouldn�t have any worries. Then I got up and got some paper towels so as not to deck this ignorant fool� and he asked what I said. I told him, rather firmly and somewhat rudely- that I indeed hadn�t stuttered. He blamed it on earplugs. I told him his loss. And he stormed out. He and Babs seem to still be friends. That�s cool. Glad they could work it all out. As for Flame Boy, I have no good feelings about him. No bad. But I guess he�d been talking smack about me again. Heh. He kept shooting me nasty looks and I would just look right back at him and laugh. That really seemed to piss him off. Funny, how one person can think they�re �all that and the bag of chips�, when actually they�re just the outdated bag that no one wants and pushes asde and behind things because no one bothers to send it back. I got some good digs in tonight. I was happy.

All I can say is, �When ya fuck with the bull, you get the horns, yes. And hell, I�m one hell of a �horny� woman.�

�Nuff said.

I have always said that �Music is a bubble bath for the soul�� I heard that somewhere once by someone I admired and knew that that was the best way anyone ever could describe what music is to me. I can listen to anything that tugs my heart�s strings, has a good beat, and is decipherable.

Today, on my way to work, I realized just how much that saying proved true for me. My brother Adam woke me up early so I could run into the city early and get some errands run. On my way out the door, I saw the Lionel Ritchie CD that I pirated off line for my Dad and made myself a copy. I grabbed it on my way out the door and popped it in after I got started on my way.

I had the windows down, cranked the radio up a few hearty notches and then Lionel sang songs to me I hadn�t heard or thought about since the early 80�s. All night long was the first track. Man, that song took me back. Waaaaaay back� oh how I loved that song when I was younger, and still do now, years later. My Dad has always been a huge fan of music. He raised us on Lionel Ritchie, The Pointer Sisters and Donna Summer. Good stuff like that.

As All night long wafted through the air and into my head, it flowed oh so smoothly like a cool silk breeze over my flesh causing the most delightful chill and a series of goose pimples to break out on my arms. It took me back. Back to our town house on South Colony Drive in my hometown, My Dad jamming Lionel for my sister Lisa and I rather loudly. And we two girls in our My Little Pony nighties and stocking feet belting out the lyrics to the song we loved so much, into beaters from our mixer. (We used to sing into beaters, hair brushes, you name it. Lisa even used a rolling pin once when the urge struck.)

We used to dance a lot also. My sister Lisa and I were quite the hams. And when I say dance, I mean it rather loosely. Very loosely actually. We were our own choreographers. It was a mixture of our own dance steps, steps mimicked off the t.v. and a touch of some of the craziest gymnastics stunts you�d have ever seen. Whenever a baby-sitter would be over, we�d crank up a good tune, and �dance� for them. We�d sing too- but they�d usually ask us to �dance� instead. I thought it was because we were destined to be the next Solid Gold dancers. Heh. Now I know better.

So I was trippin� into the memories and cherishing them. Occasionally, my sisters and I will strike up a chord of the latest tunes� but nothing like those days back when. Not even close. Kinda makes me wanna put in my C.D, and strike a pose� with my beaters. But I think Shawn would have me committed to the nut-hut.

I got some errands run today. Woohoo. I managed to get to Best Buy to get The Star Wars Galaxies on line game that Shawn has been wanting. Bonus for him. I also grabbed the new dvd, II>Head of State which stars Chris Rock whom Shawn and I both adore. It looks like it�s going to be a hoot. I guess Chris Rock not only stars, but wrote and produced it. Now ya know it has to be funny. I loves me my Chris Rock!

I also made it to Border�s bookstore. Shawn tries to avoid me going there because I would not hesitate to sell my soul to the Devil for a lifetime worth of free books. And I always spend a fortune. Always. Well, this time it could not be avoided. He was out of reading materials for his nightly ritual� so� I went in. I ooh�d and ahh�d and drooled. I think I came pert� near to drooling once or twice. I got the 2 books he asked me for, a pack of 5 cool looking gel pens of neat colors�and then was at a loss to pick a book or five for myself. So I went to the counter and asked the lady for a recommendation, letting her know I was ready for a light and funny book. Humor was a must.

She was all excited and so glad to be able to lead me to what she deemed was her personal favorite series. It�s by Janet Evanovich and the first of nine books in the series is called One for the Money. I guess it�s about a woman turned bounty hunter. One lady discovered them and got the entire Border�s staff hooked. I figured it couldn�t hurt and reading the back, it sounded fun, so I got the first two. I also got another book, but I don�t remember the title or author. It�s a romance though.

So, well over $100.00 I couldn�t afford but who cares later� I�m still giddy� still on my cloud nine and looking forward to a weekend of pure relaxation and bliss.



1 bitches

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Happy Days are here again - 2003-08-16