Love minus the plumber's crack
Bitched at 1:09 p.m. on 2003-03-29

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

I'm feeling rather "blah" as of late. I can;t seem to stop sleeping. I wake up, crawl out of bed and move to the couch where I start watching TV or a movie... and I'm asleep in no time flat. The only way I can seem to stay awake anymore is to keep busy. However, I did manage to make it thru the movie Brown Sugar. A very cute romance really. I pay-per-viewed it this morning after sleeping through my doctor's appointment.

Then I ate a quick lunch of left over lasagna and then went and scrubbed my bath tub. Now here I am in another effort to keep myself awake until sleeping beauty manages to pry his eyelids open and roll his vegetated self from the bed and start his day.

Shawn and I haven't been able to spend much time together lately, what with us being on opposite shifts. I actually started to feel distand, and yes, I admit, a bit neglected.

It's funny how after so long, I know our ins and outs. I know our routines. I know that he is not the sit by the fire and cuddle through a movie type guy. There is no room for subtle hints at wanting some quality time. Those only leave me angry and disappointed. He won't recognize them. If I want time, I have to ask for time. And there can be no beating around the proverbial bush.

Shawn is a no risk, no nonsense man. If you don't ask, he won't offer. He has the things he likes to do, and he's gonna do them. Like his big thing is EverQuest. When he gets home from work, has a day off or any type of free time, that's what he does. Sometimes, actually, most times, I'll say something about making plans and he's like, well... they (the Guild he's in on the game) had a raid planned.

And I got to be the woman who said, "Ok, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em!" So we got me a computer of my own, my own account and I rolled with the punches. That was great for a couple years. We gamed together happily, and I too was able to plan raids with him instead of spending my nights off in resentment of a game. But I got bored with it. I moved on, he never lost his game drive. Then I found TSO. And now I'm gaming again.

But I sometimes still feel second best to EQ. I guess maybe I always will....

But this weekend, he reached out. A bit subtly, but enough to where I was able to pick up on it and roll with the punches. He rentes a few movies. 3. Weee... which means he PLANS on spending time with me. YAHOO!

So I await in eager anticipation. But It's after 1 p.m. and he's still asleep. I woke him up with the back scratch he loves so much, then he just rolled over and went back to sleep. Go figure. So now, I'm just passing the time.

I did realize today, that we have as of this month, embarked on another half way point, Shawn and I. We're now half way to another year of coupledom. I don't know whether to rejoice or sit in awe.

9 and a half years is a LONG time. It honestly seems like forever. I look back at our eternity together, and it really has been as we go back to 1st grade. We grew up together and have been best friends since long before we turned into lovers. Shawn was my 1st kiss when he was 6 and I was 7. I think that's the exact moment my heart first knew love. And I never really let go of that.

But we still ahve our spats. We still do things that drive each other bonkers.And we probably always will. I have just recently figure out that the only difference between him, and any other man... is that all his little ticks that drive me insane, are his. And I can tolerate them because of that. I can deal with all of the things he does to drive me to drink. Were it any other man, they'd have died long before now. I swear it.

I guess loving someone means being able to enjoy the good, tolerate the bad and being comfortable with that person.

Shawn is a real hunorist. He truly cracks me up. When asked once how we ended up going from friends to lovers, he replied, "She raped me." He said it so straight faced and so sincerely I choked on my soda. I'm afraid it's true. He said he'd never "French" kissed, so I sat on him until he gave in. And of course, one thing led to another.

And when asked how he knew when I truly loved him, he replied: "When she moved in with me and farted. And she never stopped. " Again, I choked on my drink. For 3 years we dated, and were inseperable. The ONLY time we weren;t together was during work or when we retired to our homes for sleep. And in all those years, I NEVER once farted.l I held it, went for a walk, whatever. I figured once we moved in together, where could I escape? So I let her rip. Literally. Sometimes, when I'm especially gassy, he teases me we should go back to dating.

We've come a long way, Shawn and I. It hasn't always been easy. But Shawn is my air. Wihtout him, it's hard to breathe. And even though he's by far not Mr. Romance, he's still my tall, dark and oh so handsome white knight in greasy uniforms. An allan pack and crescent wrench in his pocket... and Thank, God... minus the plumber's crack!

Ain't love grand?

0 bitches

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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Love minus the plumber's crack - 2003-03-29