A long awaited aha! moment
Bitched at 3:50 a.m. on 2003-08-12

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I had an AHA! moment recently....

Funny how things just seem to catch you at just the right time. Thoughts heard or found that it's taken you years to hear that slam you upside the head like a wild running freight train. This happened to me the other night as I was watching What a Girl Wants . I rented it because it had looked good. And boi oh boi was it ever....

For the past few rant entries, I have been talking about how hard we all twist and contort ourselves physically and emotionally to bend to the laws of society and who it thinks we should be, what we look like, how we act, etc.

Well, the main character in the movie finds herself in a predicament just like that. And the whole time I'm watching this movie, I was realizing how much like me she is... we share a lot of similarities in life. ANyhow, at one point, she and her love interest are out on a boat in the middle of a lake, and at the most romantic moment, he looks into her eyes and says:

I don't understand why you try so hard to fit in when you were meant to stand out..."

Hot diggity damn, batman. STOP THE FLIPPING PRESSES! We got ourselves a BINGO!!!

And it was there and then, in that intimate moment, I achieved a brain orgasm... oh yes, my Aha! moment.

I'm thinking there are two types of people in this world... those of us who choose to bend, twist and contort to societies wishes. Answering it's ever beckon and call...

And then you have those people who realize that God cut them out of a seperate mold. They aren't uniform in any way. They may try like hell, but they never truly succeed. They are the people who come to the realization that they may as well just hang it up. They were meant to stand out.

I am of the second people. I know that I am of a unique mold. And thank Gawd! Two of me? Oh PUH-leez! That'd be hell on a good day. And I am NOT being conceited here. Just honest.

I will never be a supermodel, skinny, soft spoken or calm. I am forever destined to be a big and beautiful woman, a loud, opinionated, often obnoxious seeming person who won't hesitate to tell ya what's on her mind.

Is that a bad thing? I used to think so. But now, my minds on a new way of thinking. One that leaves me content at the end of the day. It was a lot harder and much more work trying to be someone I wasn't. Someone I thought I should be. It's much easier facing life and the world head on knowing this is it. This is me. Take it or leave it. You can make a friend, or miss out.

Life is all about choices... You choose what type of person you are. God blessed us for sure in that aspect. And it's not a choice to be taken lightly. I think we all, as people, have to get out there and figure out through trial, error and face a hell of a lot of heartache and even joys before we will know. And some may find ourselves faster than others.

But we'll all get there. As humans, patience has never been a virtue. But someday, our aha! moment WILL come. And until then, we make due. And hopefully, have a little fun along the way.

Along that same thought, a reader e-mailed me and asked if I am so sure of who I am, why I would "cut myself down and deem myself Simply Sara...

I have given a lot of thought to their question. And how I could answer that openly and honestly.

First of all, I don't see deeming myself Simply Sara a cut down. On the contrary actually. I see it as a self spoken compliment.

For far too long, I was what I have grown to loathe... a Drama Queen. And ooh, Lord, was I an Oscar candidate. I also spent so long jumping through fiery hoops to impress, and just basically turned into someone I was not. For the sake of fitting in. Until one day, I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize who was staring back at me. And in fact, didn't like the person I did see.

Now, I am me. No more and no less. Honestly put, I am...

Simply Sara

And for me, that's spectacular.

So no, I am not cutting myself down. I consider the word "Simply", when before my name, a title I have come to earn like the title countess or duchess or even queen.

Call me crazy if you will. I don't ask people to understand me. Just respect me. In fact, I demand respect. And yanno, I have that right.

Would you settle for less?

Simply, (but oh so sensationally)


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A long awaited aha! moment - 2003-08-12