Where I am at...
Bitched at 3:03 a.m. on 2004-10-23

Currently Feeling: Absolutely wunnerful!
Currently Hearing: Jackass guy snorting a ring worm up his nose- ewwww
Currently Craving: Not worms. I can tell you that. A barf bag maybe!

It's been a long, tiring week. But man, has it been fun! Tonight was no exception either...

Work has really been keeping me on my toes as of late. Coming back from 9 weeks of lying around and doing nothing but making a mold of my ass in my couch would do that to just about anyone I guess. But since being back to work, I am feeling even better still. And things keep getting better with time. hoorah for that really.

Samantha and Nicol were at out house tonight when we got home. Tonight, we had plans to carve pumpkins for Halloween. I haven't done that in ages. So I have been looking forward to it since we made the plans to do it this past Monday.

I bought some crazy pumpkin carving kit that had fancy carving patterns and knives and what not. I have a pumkin face that somewhat resembles the mask from the "Scream" movies... except mine looks like that mask on crack! It's cute though. Shawn opted not to carve the pumpkin I bought for him, so I have another to carve. Not tonight. Some night soon though. He had his hands full helping me carve mine. I am ever the 'damsel in distress' I suppose.

Shawn and I both got new toys this week. I am such a spoiled rotten little bitch. I called AllTel to see if I would have to pay an extra fee to add a phone for Shawn on my line. To make a long story short, I am quite the sucker. I thought I only had it written on my forhead- however, it seems it can be heard in my voice. not only did I not have to pay an extra fee, they let me add his phone and talked me into a new phone for myself. The only catch being that my contract through them is not up until December, so I would have to carry all three phones on my contract 'til December. So what did I opt to do? I ordered him the LG camera phone. It's a flip phone with all kinds of cool tricks and treats to it. And then, I got myself the new color screen Nokia with voice activation and what not. So now, my next cell phone will be like $300.00 to pay for both phones, the game I downloaded onto mine and the $95.00 a month fee for having three phones. Le sigh. But they're so cool! When I do renew though, I am gonna cash in my new Nokia for the LG picture phone- I should have gotten me one too. It's just way worth the extra cost!

I also had Shawn go to D-Links web site and order my signal booster so I could get on line. I was going insane getting booted off line every 2 minutes. I wasn't able to check my e-mails or anything. We went and picked it up from the FedEx office today! Hip-Hip-HOORAH! I am now and have been on line for quite some time without losing a signal. It's truly orgasmic.

So that's where I am in my life at this point. Still on top of the world. Still evolving into the "New and Improved" me. Loving life, looking forward to the holidays- just not this weekend. I ahve to work Saturday and Sunday. I just hope and pray I get next weekend off!



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Where I am at... - 2004-10-23