Just Another Update
Bitched at 2:05 a.m. on 2004-08-13

Currently Feeling: well rested.
Currently Hearing: nothing at the moment.
Currently Craving: a healed belly!

I've been a little depressed lately. With this infection keeping me from travelling home, and the stresses of still not quite being able to function normally and monies being tight due to me only getting sick pay (which I am grateful for believe you me!) it's just been a bit much. Just sitting home gets to me. I look around and see how badly the dishes need doing (I have three plates left undirty), the floors need vacuuming and the tub really needs a good scrubbing. But I can;t seem to stand at the sink for very long without pain taking it's toll. And I surely can't get on hands and knees to scrub the tub. I feel kind of helpless. Disgusted. And guilty that Shawn comes home from work to the house in such a state. He says it doesn't bother him, but it has to. it's bothering me. I've never been much of an eager-beaver when it comes to housework. That's why I paid his sister to clean for me, and after she got a job, his Mom took it over for the extra monies. Last wek my Mom was up and kept things clean so I didn;t have his Mom clean. This week I called to tell ehr she could because she told Shawn she really needed the money. But when his brother told her, she acted funny and wanted to know how bad it was. She acted funny enought hat i told her to just forget it I'd work something out. She didn't seem to mind. So guess what? She's FIRED!

That is the only consolation really. All she has to clean while she's here is the kitchen and living room. We paid 20 bucks a week. The first couple of times, the house looked nice. Then it started getting to where she did less and less. I'd come home from work on a night she cleaned and there'd be piles of shit everywhere. It looked liekt he only things she had done was dishes and vacuuming. A couple weeks, all she did do was a load of dishes each time and he still paid her. We've been going round and round about her cleaning standards so now I guess I don;t have to worry. It's just bad timing for me right now. I'd give anything to ahve my dishes done right now. Oh well i guess. It'll be funny to see hwo this all plays out. She started cleaning for the money because she doesn't work and needed the cash for cigs and what not. If she thinks she can start "borrowing" from us again she's got another thing coming!

Anyways, rant off. All i seem to be doing anymore in here is bitching. I don;t want people to start rolling their eyes even before they read my latest entry, lol!

I've been quite the busy gal lately. My Mom and brothers came up last week for a visit. My Aunt Sue gave her a 3 nights stay at a hotel in the city. then my Moma sked me if they could come and spend the weekend with us since Copemish Days were happening. ( A small town festival) Shawn and I said that that would be fine. So they came over for tyhe weekend. I didn't know how it would go, but suprisingly, it went well!

My Mom and I sopent a lot of time catching up on each others lives. It was weird. I just put asiude old issues and started over, I think she did too. I felt closer to my Mom last weekend than I have in a long time!

We went to the park where the festivities were Saturday at 11 a.m. and we didn't get home 'til probably after 7 p.m. We walked around a lot checking out the vendors booths and what not. the kids had a blast. there were people running games, live music, the park, a moon walk, baloon animals being made... just so much for them to do. Needless to say, they were whipped when they got home!

Mom and I went and rented Finding nemo. I told her I hadn't seen it and she said I had to. I'm glad, I loved it!

Then Sunday, we took the kids to the final day of festivities. there was supposed to be a pig chase early on, but it got moved until after the horse pull event. (BORING!I'm not THAT countrified yet.) The kids were getting restless. We checked out the flea market (high priced!) and then tried to sit through the horse pulls 'til the kids could do their thing. But it was so hot I started to get ill. So I pulled the car over and sat in the air conditioning.

Finally the time came for the pig chase. man was that funny as ever! They had these tiny pigs that they lubed up with vegetable oil and turned loose and the kids got to chase them. They varied in size per each age group. Both my brothers almost caught one. if you caught the pig you got to keep it or could take $20 instead. After the pig chases, they had chicken chases. We didn;t stay for that because my Mom had to pack up and get headed home. but my brother Aundre ("Boo") stayed. He brought back a chicken! Can you believe it? he took it back to Saginaw but ended up donating it to the local farm market.

the rest of this week I have been playing cheauffer to Shawn's family since his Mom's van took it's final shit and had to be junked. But his sister and Nicol just got their car legal. Samatha just got her permit- Grats to her on that! So now I don't have to run anyone anywhere! WEE! Now shawn can take the car to work and hopefully we'll not have to put out so much money in gas.

I've about had it with running errands. I'm looking forward to a peaceful remainder of the week. Maybe I can catch up on my reading. I've been reading Full Blast by Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes. I also ahve a few more books I bought to read.

Eating has been a whole new experience for me. I made shrimp scampi and garlic mashed potatoes for dinner last night. I ate 4 or 5 small shrimp, a couple bites of potatoes and was full! Imagine that! Tonight I took Shane and cassie for chinese at the mall and tried some chicken but that didn't agree with me and came back up. Then I wasn't feeling to well when I got home, so I took a LONG nap. Must've needed some rest.

Tomorrow starts a new day! Maybe I'll take some housework in between walks and what not. But for now, I am going to catch up on some diaries!



4 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

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Just Another Update - 2004-08-13