Got your game face on?
Bitched at 10:09 p.m. on 2004-01-30

Currently Feeling: orgasmic... it's Friday!
Currently Hearing: nothing atm..
Currently Craving: Superbowl Subs!

Oh yes... it's days like today that make the whole week worth while. You can look back on all of the trials and tribulations and instead of mulling them over and dissecting every last little detail- you can shrug it off, smile and know that for the next 2 days, you can relax. No work and all play are on my agenda this weekend. I've had a very decent week and I'm sending it out with a bang.

Actually, I've had more than just a decent week, I've had a pretty damn good week. i got to talk to my Daddy and my siblings for more than a few short minutes. Work went all right with no major catastrophes. And I'm falling in love, all over again.

No, there's no secret man. no hidden skeleton in my closet. (Since when have I ever been able to keep a secret?!) I'm falling in love with Shawn all over again...

On wednesday nights, we get paid and always go to the local super store. We cash our checks, get groceries and any odds and ends we might need or want. (Usually I get things we don't need- but I want. And he bitches a lot)Well, i wanted a set of sweats. it's been cold here in northern lower Michigan and I don;t have any real wintery jammies. So as I was mulling over my color choices, I saw him looking at a rack. he seeme to be pondering something over to my delight (The man NEVER buys anything, he always feels guilty) He holds up two styles of boxers. I cried. Sorry. couldn't help it. (And man was he embarrassed)

Now, for those of you who don;t know, Shawn and I are infertile. have been the 10 years we've been together. And it's not for one reason, but several factors. but the doctor did tell us that maybe if he wore boxers... it might up the ante. But Shawn HATES boxers. Too much like free balling. he said he didn't like his shit slapping up against his legs... I don;t blame him really. I don;t know that I'd like that either. And well, I have kind of gotten over the Baby Blues. I have come to grips with it. And then, this small gesture of faith... My heart swelled... as did my eyes. I couldn't help it. And he eventually got over it. LOL

We've been spending more time together. Well, quality time. (We're always together) afetr work, we come home and some nights we play SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) and other nights, we'll fix dinner and watch t.v. together and cuddle.

I guess in a way, we both realized that we were drifting apart and subconsciously decided to make things better. Whatever the reason, I'm glad. I have missed "us."

And now, it's Friday. Superbowl Sunday is the day after tomorrow. My excitement is mounting... got the foods ordered, got squares in the Superbowl Pool (shitty numbers too damn it!) and above all.... I've got my game face on.

How about you?

Got your game face on?



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Got your game face on? - 2004-01-30