So much for the weekend plans!
Bitched at 10:24 p.m. on 2004-01-23

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Are you laughing at me� or with me?

I had such big plans for the weekend last week. Oh yes, I did. I mapped them all out even here for you all� my dear faithful readers whom I�m most grateful for. But you know what? I should have known better� I mean, honestly. Guess how much of my plans were actually more than a nice thought on an ambitious winters eve. Go on, guess. If you guessed more than zero, you�re absolutely wrong. Oh no, not this ambition crazed fiend. I had a relaxing weekend, yes. By all means. But productive? Only if you count the extra hours of sleep I logged and the extra messes I made in my home instead of cleaning.

What happened, you might ask. Well, let�s see. I managed to break a tooth (a wisdom tooth which I am supposed to be scheduling surgery to have mine removed. I�m thinking I�ll wait now. At this rate, they may take care of themselves� and then no surgery needed! No surgery = no needles = a very happy Sara Jane!) I got an eye infection in my right eye that looked like I had a small golf ball in my lower lid and a bad case of pink eye... I pulled a muscle in my neck that has caused a constant migraine and made any movement of my head extremely torturous. (On top of the oral anguish that I am now dealing with) Sunday night, I got sick as sick could be. Out of the blue, my bowels decided to spew forth any remains my intestines (large and small) had been sheltering. And as they released forth their fiery bile causing a very, very raw hind end, My stomach simultaneously gave way to any food waiting to seek a warm shelter within the intestines my body needs to function. It was a day of movements I�m not apt to forget anytime soon� oh yeah, everything was moving� except me. My porcelain god now has a name. I call him Grant. Because when either my ass was plastered to it or my face within it� I tried to beg God to �Grant� me the serenity� ahh- you know the drill. TMI, I�m sure. But hey- what�re diaries for?

I did manage to log onto D�land and read several entries of Ange�s. I have felt guilty as all hell that I haven�t been able to keep up with her life� and when we finally caught up to her on line and was able to chat, she mentioned a boyfriend and I was in shock for hours! I�d missed out on so much. So now I�m fairly back in the loop.

I didn�t get any reviews up on RareSilk as I lost my notebook with the password to log in. Which really frustrated me because there have been people waiting so very patiently to read their diaries and let them know what I think. I wanted to get those last few ion before I resigned as a regular reviewer. I just don�t have so much free time anymore.

I didn�t get to call my momma on her birthday or any of my family, including Michelle. We don�t have a long distance carrier anymore on our land line because we have the �celly� (cell phone). BUT� my celly took a shit. And so I was not able to call long distance. Then I thought I�d just go pay 20 bucks and get a calling card with decent minutes and evenly distribute them between he calls I needed to make. A brilliant idea� for someone who doesn�t have all her phone numbers stored in her celly and no where else.

So I know ya won�t be reading this Momma, but Happy Birthday anyways.

So, aside from a bad round of the tummy flu (Again!), an eye infection that has since oozed it's nasty puss into my eyeball, a fairly healed neck muscle, a broken celly, and TWO broken nails... Here I sit.

Once again it is friday night. I'd tell you of my plans for the weekend.... but look where that got me.

I'm not doing anything! I swear! I'm gonna get sick. I'm gonna get infected. Im gonna pull muscles.

Yeah... that's the spirit.



Oh, and about that snow I hoped we didn't get??? We got like a foot to a foot and a half every day I was off work!

Go figure!

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

So much for the weekend plans! - 2004-01-23