Out of boredom
Bitched at 3:49 a.m. on 2003-08-14

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

I should be doing something constructive right now. I told myself yesterday that my renewed addiction to TSO would be cast aside for the night seeing how's Wednesdays are pay nights and I have stuff to do after work. Obviously, I didn't listen to myself. And I surelt didn't get all that I swore I'd accomplish, accompplished. That's par for the course for me lately.

But I did manage to getg the groceries we needed, cash my check, get cigs for the week. And took Shawn some food since he's still on 12's. We chatted for awhile. He was a bit grumpy tonight. Just before I left work to run errands we were biting wach other's heads off. I didn't quite like the way we left things, so I went back. He was calmer. We chatted like nothing had ever happened. Well, YAY.

I also scored the weekend off. That's a blessing. I am fastlky rounding the bend into total burnout. How people at work ever worked 7 days a week, 12 hours a day for months on end is beyond me. But they did. And they wonder why a majority of the population is on Prozac there. heh. Anyways, I was having mild panic attacks thinking I would get stuck working. But boss man didn;t let me down, God bless him. I promised him blow jobs. He laughed. As if I was kidding. shee-it. Anything for a day off when I'm feeling this burnt out.

Normally, I don't get burnt out this way. I LOVE my job and don;t mind working. Especially considering O.T. has been scarce. But with all the Peyton Place dramas... I've had it up to my neck and then some.

So anyhow, I'm looking forward to my weekend. The Buckley Old Engine Show is this weekend. It's a huge event. There are all kinds of old fashioned steam engine vehicles... rides... a midway I think... and my fave... a HUGE MASSIVE flea market that suits my fancy and tickles my I-am-woman Lemme Shop fancy. So I told Shawn we're going. We missed the last 2 due to work. Flea market, I'm heaven bound.


Driving in to work was nice. I had the window all the way down, the radio blaring my latest country mix burn CD, and it was me and the open road. Weee. That's the best part of living in Northern lower Michigan. The beauty of it all. I was enjoying the views. And the creatures I sped by.

I was a bit dismayed to see the leaves started turning. It's very subtle. But it's there. I'm not ready for summer to be over. It seems like it only just begun. I haven'tdone very many of the things I planned to do either. It's frustrating. there just never seems to be the time or monies.

I wanted, and still might provided circumstances agree... to pack a duffel, my camera and hopefully Shawn and just hit the road. Head anywhere and nowehere. Just explore the small towns and mostly nature. I am a huge nature lover. And I have a passion for old buildings. Like old abandoned barns in the middles of fields and what nots.

There is one house we pass every day that is dilapidated. It has a ramshackle windmill, what looks like an old out house and a car from the 60's abandoned beside it.

Almost as if someone just disappeared from within and it's been left alone since. It has an eerie attraction that draws me in. I'd like to photograph it. When I'm out and about spying buildings like that, I like to imagine what tghe people who once lived there were like. I try to picture it in my head. I know it sounds crazy. I have always been into history. Not so much battles or inventions... but the history of people, their traditions and cultures.

Well, it's 4:30 a.m. and I should have logged long ago. I'm going to wind up my sims and head out. I'm sorry my enteries have been so... blah. But that's the way the past week or so has been.

poor me. i s'pose it could be worse...like someone who just got shit canned at work and wrote in a good bye memo-

"there's a silver lining in every cloud, you just might have to look a bit harder."

I think he's right.



0 bitches

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Out of boredom - 2003-08-14