Mourning Bob Hope
Bitched at 11:58 p.m. on 2003-07-28

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Ya know... I had a huge rant all thought up and ready to post. It's something I went to bed thinking about, that continued on throughout the day. The more I thought about it- the more I couldn't wait to get home and write it. I was even more exstatic when we got out an hour and a half early. So I came home, got dinner going, raped the old man, FINALLY got on line... and SNAP!

Bob Hope died today...

Just typing it out, the tears started again. I've been crying for some time now, my heart aching. And yanno, I didn't even know Bob. Never met the man. Nope. Yet, I'm crying. And I feel the loss. More so than any famous person to have passed away. Usually they don't affect me- not like this. Until now anyhow.

Why, I wonder. The only answer that comes to mind, is because. Bob Hope knew how to make people laugh. And he was damn good at it. I don't think I have ever heard one joke or one punch line that has ever offended me. He didn't cuss, or cut down people, there was no malice. He was pure fun. Pure humor. Pure Bob.

I used to watch his comedy specials on T.V. I had one friend in particular who was really into comedy. Bob Hope and Johnny Carson were his faves. We'd watch all of the Bob and Johnny stuff we could find. That takes me back... popcorn, J.W. and I. A late Saturday night and our comedy.

But I think what I will always remember Mr. Hope for... is the impact he had on the world. On me. And the gazillion soldiers that he gave shows for.

I am a HUGE supporter of the troops. My Grandfather, may he rest in peace, taught me about the Military and it's many soldiers who gave up so much, so very much, to keep this country free, to keep her safe and to keep those of us in it, safe.

I made the mistake once in my naivety, when my Grandfather made a comment for the gazillionth time about what the soldiers did for us, and all they gave up- and mind you, he talked about it a lot. Well, I rolled my eyes and sighed a bit mockingly. And I informed him that they hadn't given up anything for me, nor had they done anything for me. Not directly.

Oh man, big mistake. Huge! I knew the minute the words were out of my mouth I had really messed up bad. I was scared. And I damn near pissed my pants.

He marched me into his bedroom, sat me up on his bed and he got out a bunch of his personal belongings. Pictures of the ship he served on, his Naval picture, pictures of the people he met when he served. And he told me story after story. No granddaughter of his was going to go out into the world ignorant. And that day, I started my education, and Gramps got to not only curn my ignorance. But share with me a piece of him.

Years later, after Gramps had passed away, I was digging thru some papers. There was a letter to the Editor or the local newspaper... written years and years ago in response to a person who wrote saying that all V.A. (Veteran's Administrative) Hospitals should be shut down.

My Grandfather, a retired veteran, volunteered every day of his life for what seems to me like eaons at the local V.A. And well, he didn't take too kindly to that person's ideas. The part that struck me the most in his letter was when he offered to take this person on a tour. He said, 'All you have to do is walk down the halls and look around. You'll see the person who lost a limb, lost their sight, can't walk... whatever it is that they lost- and you realize then and there, they gave it up for you.' And that's so true.

(Wow, I really got off on a tangent there. My apologies. I guess my tribute to Bob Hope will also be a tribute to my Gramps!)


Here's a tid bit of some info I read fromt he AP:


Though he said he was afraid of flying, Hope traveled countless miles to boost the morale of servicemen. His Christmas tours became tradition.

He headlined in so many war zones that he had a standard joke for the times he was interrupted by gunfire: ``I wonder which one of my pictures they saw?''

So often was Hope away entertaining, and so little did he see his wife, Dolores, and their four children, that he once remarked, ``When I get home these days, my kids think I've been booked on a personal appearance tour.''


Well you know, there is only one Bob Hope. And he has passed away after 100 years of life. His legacy will live on, as well it should. But it still saddens me.

I am just grateful to his wife and children who shared him with us, to him for all the laughter... And to God for blessing us with someone to make us all laugh even in the darkest of times.

So to Bob Hope, my Grandfather who served on the U.S.S. Hillary P. Jones, and all of the soldiers past, present and future....

Thank You!

and even that is just not enough...

Walk with Angels, Diarylanders.



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Mourning Bob Hope - 2003-07-28