And Im the Easter Bunny
Bitched at 4:44 a.m. on 2003-06-03

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Currently Craving:

Another day come and gone... It's been a blah day. I woke up later than I wanted. Went to work tired and in a daze. But despite how rotten I felt, It wasn't all that bad of a day. I mean, It could have been worse.

We had a corporate Quality guy in tonight. We just had a major audit for the QS 9000 standards and we did okay. Now this guy came in to see how we can "fool proof" our lines. HAH. But unlike most corporate dicks, he was down to Earth, very cool. And damn it, he cared. He listened to us all and all that we had to say. he shared in our frustrations. It was nice to finally have a corporate guy see the same perpectives we "peons" have. Now, if only he can do us some good.

Tonight, after work, I loaded up TSO. Renee, Tara and I have been playing in the Test Center. I really have been enjoying all of the new people I am meeting.

I have been at one skill house most of my night. The people here just rock. We even have been touching on two deep topics. 1) Sex. 2) Religion. My 2 all time fave topics.

Being the open minded person I found myselfto be for the most part, I LOVE to get pther peoples opinions on those two heavy topics. And tonight was definately no let down. The people I ahve been chatting with seem quite intelligent and respectful. Neither forceful or arrogant.

For me to explain my views on religion is no easy feat. I was raised a bit of everything as my Mom was what I call a "shop around christian". She tried a little bit of everything before settling on none.

Me, I often follow the religious practices from my Lutheran upbringing. And yet, I don't believe in organized religion. Does that make sense?

I have found that I don;t feel right in most churches. I feel distant. Like I don't belong. There are precious few in my life that I have found to be comfortable and comforting to me. I don;t believe I need to give 3/4 of my monies and sit in a pew all dressed up in my Sunday best in a room full of hippocrites. No thanks. Thats just NOT for me.

That's not to say that I don;t believe in God. I do. Quite strongly. I believe he is my creator, my fate maker, my strength. I have a huge passion for all religion and take its and pieces of each that I have studied. I guess one could say that I have made up a religion of mine own. One where I do what I think God expects of me to the best of my abilities. One whereprayer is what gets me through each of my days. And one where fat, skinny, poor, rich, ugly or beautiful... all are equal and worthy.

And this is where I find my comfort.

And as far as sex... well, I am a firm believer that if everyone was getting and engaging in satisfactory sex, there would be no wars, no hatred and quite possibly, we could achieve world peace.

So Monica blew the president. Someone had to! Look at all he accomplished! Thank You, Monica! Hilary obviouslylacked in her womanly duties. Hey- shit happens. I don'r care of Clinton was a porn star. He did this country good for the 8 years he was in. I fr one, am not complaining. Now Bush Jr., I think his wife better take classes on the fine art of blow jobs and start swallowing! Boy, he obviously is lacking in that department. He needs a little polishing if ya catch my drift.


I had a great couple of days off. I didn't get anything done that I swore I was going to. I swore I would stay home all weekend too. I didn't. Tara dragged me to her blind date with her. THAT in itself was a trip I might one day have to journal on. I had fun, I don;t think she did.

I also lost half my plants in the garden I just put in due to a harsh frost. That royally sucked. Im going to ahve to rebuy and replant. Such is life in my garden.... Something to do this weekend. :)

My birthday is in 10 days. The 12th. I'll be 27. Egads. And for once, I'm actually looking forward to it. Who acres about getting older... not this year. Not me. I just wanna cut loose and have some good old fashioned fun!

This weekend... I AM staying home. I WILL get my house cleaned. I WILL replant my garden. I will NOT spend monies I don't have needlessly.

Yeah... right.

And I'm the flipping easter bunny.

Can ya see the little pink furs?

G'nite D'land... or Good Morning!



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

And Im the Easter Bunny - 2003-06-03