sunday night blah
Bitched at 4:23 a.m. on 2002-10-28

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Well, another weekend has come and gone. It wans't the greatest. I did manage to keep my house somewhat clean and keep laubdry up to date. So I can return to work in clean clothes and with some sanity. Although for the past week and thru this weekend I have been qute ill and my asthma has been giving me fits.... ugh. I'm sure my smoking isn't helping. But what can I do... le sigh.

On a good note. The fucking snipers were caught. Thank God and all his angels for that. Like we need anymore terror running rampant through our country. I onder how people can be so cold, so hateful, so brain fucked. I was starting to think they may never be caught. But alas, they were. I hope they make them suffer. I called my sister and she told me a 3rd guy was involved, from Flint. Now that's not much more than two shakes of a lambs tail from home. (My birth place anyways). And Timothy McVeigh was from Michigan. Is this a damn trend? I'm starting to be a bit more bashful about being a Michigander.

It's sad to not want to tell people I am from Michigan. This is one hell of a beautiful state. It gets all 4 seasons, and tho when winter hits I bitch non-stop, I secretly love the snow. Shhh! Soemone once bitched that it was a lot of farm land. We have some, but not every acre is crops. We have our big cities. Hell, we have Motor City, we founded Motown, we have the national cherry capital... We have the great lakes, beautiful scenery and nice hide-a-ways.

Anyways. The new Planes of Power expansion for EQ really rocks. I havent been playing much EQ for motnhs now. I let myself get too caught up in the game and it became less fun and more work. Sometimes, even the in game politics can be tiresome. So I went AWOL. I missed the game and most of the people... But I found a life outside of the game again too. So I ahve been playing and enjoying it again, but in moderation. And it's been fun again. It truly has.

My sister Lisa flew off to Kentucky to meet the guy she's going to marry next may. I can't help but worry about that girl and where her head is. She's got bigger balls than I do. Thats a given. She is so hell bent on finding love. She won;t wait for it to find her. She chases after every possible chance regardless of how little chance or considering anything. SWhe scares me sometimes. Perhaps it's just the big sister in me... who knows.

I still have yet to hear from my brother. What a loser. he usually only comes around when he needs cash. But after I didn't help bail him, he hasn't been 'round. He called and left several messages about getting his mail, but he has yet to stop over.

Well, just an update. Its late, and Im tired. Sleep with angels, Diaryland.

Simply.... Sara

0 bitches

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sunday night blah - 2002-10-28