Rambling Fool-ette
Bitched at 4:20 a.m. on 2002-10-23

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Wow. Lots happening lately. I feel like a slow swimmer in a current that's carrying me faster and faster and I have nothing to grip onto. But for probably the very 1st time in my 26 years, I'm NOT bitching and whining endlessly. I'm enjoying it. I am finding it exciting. I am enjoying the stimulation. I am not hiding from people and things to do. I am out and about. I am free. I am living, breathing and I am me. WAHOO!

I just keep telling myself how lucky I am. I have a job. A damn good job. I like what I do. With the economy the way it is, like my friend in EQ said, I will never take job security for granted again. So many people were laid off and let go post 9-11. And my job is directly linked to the economy. Cars. Thank God people still want new Hondas.

And alive. So many innocents being slain by one cruel, ignorant bastard. They call him "The Sniper". I call him "The Bitch". That's what he is. He's a bitch. Too scared to face up to what he's doing. Too scared to deal with life like the rest of us. Hello?! Anger management? I mean, we all have bad days. I'm not about to go kill some innocent because of it. That's a cowards way. I hope they find The Bitch and fry him. Torture him. Hack him to bits with a dull butter knife, inject him with HIV and let him (Or her even) die a slow, painful death. He deserves no better.

The strike out in the ports on the west coast finally hit us. They told us last thursday that we would not have to return to work until today (tuesday) Well, yee fucking hoorah! I danced my jig and could not, would not contain my excitement. Well, 'til I woke up Friday. I was sick. Shawn was sick. So much for our 4 day vacation. Damn it all. And wouldn;t you know it was almost all cleared up by the time we left for work. GRRR!

Goit our furnace installed last week. YAY! And today, we got our propane "pig" delivered. We had some fun trying to install it. The Village "Mayor" or what have you came down and made the guy move it due to it being in the snow plows way. Then, she leaves, he moves it. No big whoop. The neighbor down the road says, oh no. Not there. And has a big shit fit. WHY IS EVERYONE IN MY FUCKING BUSINESS?!?!?!

For pete's sake. My house gets broken into and no one sees or hears anything. I get a pig delivered and it's on the fucking news. I can;t take a shit and wipe my ass without that neighbor knowing which hand I'm using and what brand t.p. Thank God the dick goes to Florida every winter. Ugh. This is the same neighbor that when my dog broke loose and we couldn;t find her, rushed over to my house swearing that my dog (20 pounds soaking wet, tiny little mutt mind you) was trying to eat him. Yes, eat him. A 6 foot 200 pount 60 years old man. My only response was to bite my lip to contain my laughter and ask him if he was extra beefy flavored. because my dog won;t nibble on anything unless its beefy flavored. Then he said he'd shoot her. I told him fuck off and slammed the door in his face. Then, I opened the door and let the dog in. I shoulda let her eat him. Wouldn;t that make a funny story. Oh my.

Well, back to work. Everything's fine. For now. 4 days off. Got a furnace. Have heat. It's been snowing on and off. Ugh. back to being a hermit for me. Le sigh. My house is spiffy. I cleaned the bedroom, kitchen, living room. swept, mopped, vacuumed, did laundry, shampooed carpets. I accomplished SOMETHING at least.

There's still a lot I'd like to do. In due time. Looks like we don;t have to work this weekend again. Happy, happy- Joy Joy.

Planes of Power, the new EverQuest expansion was released a day early. We got copies. I have been playing the game again. This new expansion rocks. I'

m excited. Another reason to get readdicted. Oh joy.

well, I'm rambling. It's 5 a.m. My bed time.

Til next time,



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Rambling Fool-ette - 2002-10-23