Smokers Hell
Bitched at 1:48 a.m. on 2002-08-04

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Today wasn't too bad of a day for being Saturday... and for having to work. We had a bit of a busy day at work. My line went down off and on for an hour all with problems on the same machine. But we finally got it squared away.

I was up until 8 a.m. last night. Shawn was able to get on line to find me a "crack" code and we applied it to the game that I have yet to get a code Via e-mail... and I am now able to play the Sims again, all expansions now intact. I was hardly able to pry myself away last night save for the fact that my eyes were so droopy and my butt hurt.

Nothing too exciting happened today. I cooked. WOOHOO! Shake and baked chicken tenders, taters and gravy, cornbread biscuits. Yumm!

I am really pissed at Goverenor Engler. He has made it possible for the great state of Michigan to go to almost $5 a pack for cigs. Shawn and I make decent money, but even that is getting a bit rich for our blood. And there is talks that our blessed Goverenor is trying to get another tax oif an additional dollar added after this one settles.

The thing that pisses me off most is that they attack cigarettes so full forced... but never try to tax alcohol. I can smoke and drive, smoke and make decisions, hell, I can do just about anything while smoking and it doesn;t impair me in any way. yet we got people drinking and driving and killing people like it's a national past time, and that's ok. Have mercy.

So I will most likely quit. Which is sad. I know smoking causes cancer. But so does 99% of anything and everything else! I LIKE smoking. I like the way they calm me, I like the taste, I like evrything I get from smoking. But hey, it causes cancer. They gonna make my diet sodas $5 a can? Those cause cancer too yanno?

Well, one thing is for certain. Most people will quit due to lack of fundage. Then, they'll have bitter, angry, stressed out feening paranoid-skitzos who can;t afford to smoke to take away the symptoms... but hell, we won;t get cancer. We'll live longer to make everyone miserable that many years longer.

Look out, Michigan... the bitch is in full force and ::GASP!:: She's smoking!!!

Beware when she quits!

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

Smokers Hell - 2002-08-04