UTI again
Bitched at 11:58 a.m. on 2005-07-24

Currently Feeling: blah
Currently Hearing: my dogs barking at nothing
Currently Craving: a healthy urinary tract

This weekend has been pretty horrible for me. I think I've have slept more time than I have been awake. In the wee hours fo the morning Friday, I kept waking up feeling like I had just been kicked in the kidney. (With 4 dogs in the bed, it's always a possibility) By late morning, I had developed excrutiating pain in my right kidney, a terrible chill that left my teeth chattering uncontrollably even in the 85 degree weather and just plain miserable. So I called our doctor's office who was kind enough to get me scheduled within the hour.

Turns out that my suspicions were right. I have an extremely severe kidney and urinary tract infection. This time in the right kidney. Last time, only a mere 3 months ago- it was the left. Le sigh. So they gave me some antibiotics and some little orange pill that works on the pain in your bladder. That little pill is pretty cool. It makes ya pee orange. What a trip!

Like I said, I have been doing a whole lot of nothing these days. I did manage between naps to finish one of the books I was reading and get a little more than half way through my Harry Potter novel. I've managed no less than 30 hot showers this weekend. (When I'm sick, I have a habit of showering repeatedly. Like I'm gonna wash it all away or something. Nuts, I know)

Last night we started to get concerned because the pain became more severe and I developed a pretty bad fever. My Mom was starting to panic and was talking about a trip to the hospital. I just took another round of meds and crawled back into bed. I awoke at 2 a.m. and instantly, I just knew the fever had broken. And when I checked it, it had. Joy! Joy!

Today, I slept in. LOL. Not like I needed it. Took another shower... imagine that. I actually put on clothes for the first time since Thursday. And I'm trying to convince myself that I'm getting better. And I am. Just not fast enough.

Leave it to me to get the weekend off and then get sick. Not to mention having to take a sick day (unpaid) Friday.

Oh well, could be worse I guess.



0 bitches

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UTI again - 2005-07-24