D' Land Scared Me!
Bitched at 8:16 a.m. on 2005-03-20

Currently Feeling: tired
Currently Hearing: peace and quiet
Currently Craving: sleep

Well, D' Land gave me a bit of a scare this a.m., ha ha. I went to check out my diary and noticed that none of my graphics were working. I could have sworn that I had just paid my fees not all too long ago and was in a panic checking my e-mails for any notices. Then when I loaded up to type in an entry, I saw the notice about their hardware failure. Whew! Talk about easing my mind. I know I've been "creatively" paying bills- but goodness. I try not to mess around with D' Land... I know for as sporadic as my entries have been, it doesn't sem like it- but this place IS my stress reliever.

I feel for Andrew and D' Landers... I hate it when the hardware fails! (Insert evil and mischievous giggle here... *wink*wink*)

Things have been going much better as of late. I am starting to come to terms with my own issues and insecurities. I haven't yet tried to seek out a counselor yet, not that I think I don't need one. I think I'm slowly getting better with everything that's been overwhelming me. But I still think a neutral person looking on the outside, in- would make a huge impact on my thoughts and perhaps give me a fresh and neutral perspective on everything.

But I do have a couple of my own personal angels who counsel me on a daily basis. Sometimes, whether or not I want them to. LOL! Frank and Bryan have been true God sends. I can't tell you the countless hours they have listened to me pour my heart out about everything in it's entirety. The good, the bad and the ugly. They have offered up support, opinions, advice. And on times when I have needed it the most, have even hugged me and held me through my tears. They have picked me up when I have fallen, brushed me off, gave me the proverbial kick on the ass and got me back in the game. I would have gone nuts long before if it weren't for the guys. I love them both to pieces!

I had to work Saturday this week. Makes for a nice check, thank goodness. Shawn's Saturday was canceled. That frustrated me a bit. But what can we do when it's something we have no control over? It irritated me though. I'm not sure why exactly. Maybe it was the fresh snow that has been falling so close to spring. We got dumped on yet again last night. Maybe it was that I know we could use the monies like it's nobody's business?

And things at work weren't exactly therapeutic today. Bryan was on one of his rolls where he just speaks his mind and I wasn't in the mood to take it. Bryan is kind of a fragile guy, he can dish it- but he can't take it. And I know that. So at one point when he had tromped on my last nerve, I was able to walk away. But that didn't last long and I was going at him full bore and with a vengeance. Something I had never dared do before. And I broke him. He didn't let me live it down even after I apologized for saying one thing I shouldn't have.I actually don't remember saying it,hey, I was pretty pissed. But it's not true and shouldn't have said it if I did.

Frank got to go home early the bastard. Their line was done running two hours early. I wanted to choke him- but that's the way the cookie always crumbles for me. No matter what line I am on, weekends always go for shit for me. We have this thing on weekends that if the operators hit production, they can stop running, clean up and go home early with a full days pay. So Frank's line got to go home after 6 hours, with 8 hours pay. I unfortunately had an operator pile up a lathe and so then we were stuck working the full 8. Ugh.

And then I had issues about getting a ride home. With all the snow we got, I couldn't drive. (I am one lone Michigander who will not- Can not drive in winter weather. Imagine that) So Shawn had dropped me off. I had asked Frank last night for a ride home. And today he said that it shouldn't be an issue. But then his neighbor ended up pulling a double and needing a ride. I wasn't going to make him take both of us home. And then they got out early anyways. So then I asked Richie for a ride since he lives past us. But he got out early too. And the couple other people who live out here by us, didn't work today. So Shawn was screwed. He had to drive all the way back into town to get me. He wasn't the least bit thrilled. The roads were rough. But it all ended up okay.

We stopped to Burger King and picked up some food then went over to Bryan's for a visit since we were in town and they'd planned on hanging out. Shawn wasn't sure if he'd wanna come all the way back into town Sunday so he asked me if I minded. I didn't.

We ate our food, I am now addicted to chicken whoppers from Bk. I used to hate BK, but am becoming a big fan these days. Then we watched the dumb ass movie called Napoleon Dynamite. Bryan got his kicks off of it- but it was probably the WORST movie I have ever seen. I didn't care for it at all. Then I passed out on the couch and was woke up at precisely 5 a.m. for the long, cold ride home.

Today, I plan to clean the house. Shampoo the carpets. Catch up the laundry. And then, I am going to try a new recipe of Giada's from Easy Italian Cooking A show I love on the FOOD network. It's Chicken Tetrazinni. And it looked delicious.

That is, if I ever get some sleep. It's after 8 a.m. and I am still running off the 2 or so hours of sleep I got at Bryan's. So I think I'll sign off and catch myself a nap.

Thanks for tuning in D' Land!

0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

D' Land Scared Me! - 2005-03-20