Roller Coaster Ride
Bitched at 3:10 a.m. on 2004-11-22

Currently Feeling: hopeful
Currently Hearing: puppies running around like they're on crack
Currently Craving: prayers for Tyler

It�s been a rough couple of days. My hormones are once again, way out of whack. Par for the course it seems these days! But I�m learning to deal with it. One small issue at a time really. And that�s all anyone can do anymore really, isn�t it? I just wish that this roller coaster ride led to fun and excitement like the ones at the amusement parks would if I weren�t deathly afraid of them. This roller coaster has been taking me to ugly places where my belly is definitely left upset and unsettled.

Once again, my relationship with Shawn is on the rocks. I love him, and I know he loves me. I have never, ever doubted that in any way. But sometimes, like someone wise once told me- love isn�t always enough. I thought for sure he had finally come �round after the past 11 years of being together to marrying me. He hasn�t. And you can�t possibly know how bad that fucks with my head and places deep hurt in my heart! For those of you who don�t know, I have known Shawn practically my entire life. Since like 1st grade we�ve been best friends. I crushed after him for years before I could even get him to give me a second look. And then in high school, I finally won his heart and our life together began. That was eleven years ago. You�d think by now that a man, even the most commitment leery man would know whether or not he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his partner. 11 years for Pete�s sake. Not Shawn. He doesn�t hesitate to want to start a family with me. But yet, I�m not good enough to commit a lifetime to. I guess my womb should be jumping for joy, eh?

And now, just as my sisters predicted, I am noticing the men who are always staring at me. Hitting on me. Making comments to me. And they�re real men. And a lot of them are sexy! Shawn hates this fact since my recent weight loss. Hates it. But I will admit, I love it. I encourage and appreciate it. It makes me feel so much more like a woman. And experiencing all of this makes me think that if Shawn won�t marry me and love me the way I need to be loved, demand to be loved� there might be someone out there who will. In fact- I know there is. Before, I used to think myself unworthy of such happiness. But recently, I have changed my mind. I am not beneath dreaming of a wedding, babies and a tender, loving relationship that is not one sided.

I would almost dare to say that my time with Shawn is ending, Not because I want it to, good God, just the opposite. But I have been holding on to him and what I hoped he could be for me for so long that I can�t bear to put myself through much more. No matter what, I love Shawn. I will always love him. And I hope that should we end up parting ways at any given moment- that we could do so amicably. I know breaking up is never easy, but it doesn�t have to be ugly either. I wish nothing but happiness and love for Shawn. That�s all I have ever wanted for him. For us. But I can�t stick around just to be a convenience for him. I don�t want to be with him because we�re comfortable. I want the passion, the love, the tenderness and everything that goes with a �normal� relationship. I don�t think anyone should ever have to settle for less!

It�s been weird at work. The guys are all constantly hitting on me. Not that any of them would ever stand a chance! (Maybe one of them..) But they never gave me a second thought when I was 99 pounds bigger. So although I enjoy the attention and flirtations- that�s all it is to me. Fun, nothing more- nothing less. But just this past Saturday, one of the older gentlemen at work who is usually grouchy and insane called me �gorgeous, hot, drop-dead sexy�. When I laughed he walked away, but then he came up to me and explained that he meant it all. He said that I have always been pretty, but how much more I am now at a healthier weight. And that if not now, soon- men would be falling at my feet. I can�t tell you how awesome that was to hear! And you know what, I believed him!

Everyone has been damn surprised at my confidence. I am myself actually. I have so much new self-esteem and confidence that often I wonder if I am coming off as conceited. But all are quick to assure that I am not should I ask. Which is good. I don�t ever want a big ego. I wanna be confident, convinced- not conceited. I am too. And it�s so awesome. I hope to soon be able to post picture of me on here. Maybe my before and my after. And hopefully can keep adding updated ones. I have even had it requested that I post a pic of my scar. I might could do that too. After all, it�s a proud thing for me to bear and I don�t hide it. It is what it is, and I like what it stands for. For the first time in my life, I literally got off my fat ass and took charge of my life. I was able to push aside my fears. And for once in my 28 years, I made a decision on my own without worrying how it affected people. It was enlightening and empowering. And I hope to never, ever lose that again. That is what gets me through the rough times no matter how bad things get.
I�m starting to get a bit tired and need some nourishment. Not to mention my ass, now NINETY NINE (Yes, you heard me right!) pounds lighter has less padding and needs a break. But I would like to ask one request before I submit this entry. I need to ask for your prayers tonight. Your well wishes and kind thoughts. My brother came to see me at work a couple of nights ago. His son, my nephew, Tyler has taken ill. The doctor�s seem to think that my baby has either a clogged artery or an enlarged heart. Tyler is only 8 months old! And I�m scared, damned scared. I�ve already had a good cry over it- but I can�t think the worst. I REFUSE to do that. With all of these modern medicines and technology, he just has to be okay. I won�t accept any other option. But a few extra prayers for Tedde, Adam and their son Tyler couldn�t hurt, right?

Hugs and hand pounds, Y�all!



p.s. I got my gold membership back! (does the touch down dance)

0 bitches

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Roller Coaster Ride - 2004-11-22