Rest in Peace Barklee James
Bitched at 12:59 a.m. on 2004-08-22

Currently Feeling: grief ...
Currently Hearing: peace and quiet....
Currently Craving: barklee back...

I've been away for a week... it seems like it has been much longer. My sister's 'puter took a big poop- so I haven't been with any web access the whole time. But I guess in a way, that was good too because I was able to focus on my family, my healing and just on life in general really.

I had a really awesome week home. Being in my home town after so long was a trip. I hadn't spent enough time in the city until this week to actually see all of the many, many changes. So that was cool. I still wouldn't ever move back. I miss it sometimes, but it's a good miss really.

My sister Gena had her son on August 15th at 1:10 p.m. And yes, I was there for it. Lisa and I were both able to be there for her. She had such a shitty labor. I felt so bad, but after having gone through it with Lisa, I knew my place. In the corner, keeping my mouth shut. As I mentioned, Gena gave birth to a son. (Her first baby) He weighed 7 lbs., 7 ozs. and was 19.5 inches long. (The same exact size I was, both weight and height. Crazy eh?) She and Danny named their son Ethan Joseph. he's a healthy, beautiful boy. I am so happy for Gena and Danny. My sisters really know how to create some beautiful babies.

I didn't get as much done in my time home as I had planned. I did get to see my Aunt Brenda, and cousins Chrissy and Joey. Also got to meet Joey's kids Joey and Tessa for the first time so that was awesome. We had a nice visit. My Aunt amazes me. She is such a strong woman. She had a brain tumor that caused much havok on her body and tehy have her months to live. Now, they think they have it all removed and she is recovering well. Thank God for his mercy and miracles, eh?

Part of the reason I didn't get much done was because Shawn called me on Friday to let me know that when he got home from work friday night, he found our Barklee dead in our bed. I can;t begin to explain the pain, anguish and guilt I felt. Not to mention the shock. But needless to say, finding out your 7 month old puppy died breaks your heart. I feel as though I lost a child. And Shawn was badly shaken also. So I cut my trip short a week to come home and be with my small family.

When I got home, I noticed immediately the change in the atmosphere without Barklee there waiting to greet me. But I was somewhat reassured when I saw the puppies he left us behind. And they're growing so big! They now have their eyes open. And I have my eye on 2 of them!

As far as my stomach- things are about normal minus the infection which still exists unfortunately. But I am moving about better and trying to figure out what my new tummy will tolerate for food.

Tomorrow is Barklee's "funeral". I'll be laying one of my precious babies to rest. That will probably be one of the hardest things to ever endure.

I'm in a slight funk. But I'm home where I can once again sleep in my own bed comfortably, in the arms of the man who I've fallen in love with all over again and where I can smile at God's creations as they slowly grow and ease the pains of my loss.

Rest in Peace, Barklee James....

2 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

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Rest in Peace Barklee James - 2004-08-22