when it rains, it pours
Bitched at 7:08 p.m. on 2004-02-20

Currently Feeling: jubilous still!
Currently Hearing: me humming, "Walking on Sunshine"
Currently Craving: Nothing. just at McD's

They say that when it rains, it pours� I find this to be true lately. But this time, it�s raining happiness� and oh what a sweet change it is!

I have been on Cloud Nine ever since finding out that I do qualify for the surgery. And then working it out so that I can go home for a full three day weekend without having to beg and plead with Shawn?! Oh my. My cup runneth over. It�s funny how when things start going smoothly, or you receive tidbits of good news or something just happens to start going your way- how much that can affect your demeanor.

I truly haven�t been this happy in a long time. I�ve started noticing people staring at me as I walk by them down the aisles at work. When I asked one guy why he kept staring at me all the time, he said:

�It�s probably that stupid grin that�s been plastered to your face!�

And I giggled. I couldn�t help myself. And things have just been getting better and better! We had our monthly UAW meeting this past Thursday. I like to go so I can stay informed and up to date on anything going on, but for some reason, they scheduled them before work during the week. It�s hard enough to get up and out of bed and then to have to try to get Shawn up. I much preferred them when they were on Sunday afternoons. But we have to go because Shawn was nominated or shop steward.

Well, when I got there, the union prez called me over to him and handed me a packet to read over. I was in the process of trying to get a web page up for our union a while back. I had always wanted to contribute even if in a small way, but someone else decided to do it even though I made it known I was, and well� He stole the thunder and I let mine go. Turns out the other guy�s didn�t work out or something. And the UAW holds conferences for members at Black Lake, a resort a couple hours of way that they own.

This conference in particular has two classes. One about how to start up a newsletter for your union, and the other is web designing. They�d like to send me April 5-8th to Black Lake and another guy so I can take these classes and design a web site for our union. Man, talk about stoked! WOOHOO! He asked if I would like to go. I nodded affirmative and let him know I was excited. So, barring lack of finances, they will be enrolling me for that conference. They will pay my way of course, the other guy will most likely drive (Although if it�s nice out, I may insist on driving.) and the union will reimburse me lost wages.

Hmmm. A free vacation. 4 days off of work. A way to contribute to my union. And lost wages? Hell Yeah! Hook this sister up! Not to mention that�ll be before my surgery. So it�ll be like a fun retreat for me yanno? Woo wee� I�m stoked. Stoked, I say!

The only dimmer to my ever powerful ride with rapture was my visit back to the dentist today. It was only a routine cleaning. But I guess I�ve got bad tartar build up deep in my gums so they were only able to clean the bottom row of teeth of tartar. They didn�t even touch the top, do the fancy brushing and fluoride treatment. But they did squeeze in x-rays. So now, not only do I have to go back in two weeks to finish my cleaning, I need a root canal or have the tooth pulled that they filled back in October because the nerve is dead. And on top of all of that, like that wasn�t bad enough, I have 3 small cavities between my teeth. When I gawked at that she assured me it would be fine. They were small, and all right in a row� �bam-bam-bam.� And that they could all be filled in the same visit. Gee, that made that all better! Not!

Found out Shawn has periodontal disease. Yippee. He too ahs to go back a few more times for more extensive work. Man, what a pair we make. I SWEAR I saw the dentist�s eyes light up with big ass dollar signs!

Ever priced a root canal lately? I about fainted. But our insurance will cover almost all of it if I have it pulled. Pay thru the nose for God knows how long� or pull the damn thing. Oooh, I just don�t know!

But for now, I must skeedaddle.



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800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

when it rains, it pours - 2004-02-20