Happy V-Day Y'all! <3
Bitched at 1:27 a.m. on 2004-02-15

Currently Feeling: romantic...
Currently Hearing: Game of Love by Santana and Michelle Branch
Currently Craving: a little more religion...

Happy Valentine's day!

It's been a day of many moods. But that's what ya get when I am involved in any way, shape or form. Miss Moody herself. But most have learned to live with it... for the most part. And I try my hardest to control my emotions. So, with a little give and take... things can be fine. Today was definately a day of give and take.

I was the first in the house to awake, or so I thought. I laid in bed listening to Shawn breathe, enjoying the sunshine that burst thru the windows bathing me in it's warmth and wishing ym bladder would hold out just a few more minutes... but such was not meant to be.

I slowly rolled out of bed, stepping down to feel the cool squish of doggy poo slime between my toes and cling to the botton of my foot. Witha yelp and a slew of curse words I glared at the innocent looking Barklee who laid beside Shawn looking at me in his sly, innocent way. Turns out, i was not the first one up. Damn it.

I one legged hopped as best i could to the bathroom where I scrubbed my foot clean in the bath tub. Then went and let the dogs out before cleaning up Barklee's present.

When the dogs were through with the morning laps and a potty break, i agve them treats and then made my way to the bedroom to arouse Shawn for the day. And arouse him i did. I won't give you all of the details, but suffice it to say, we were able to get religious this fine morning. Religious indeed.

Much to my frustration, after exhausting all our energies, I arose and showered and started getting ready for the day and he went back to sleep. It took me forever to wake him and then to get him out of the bed. This daily ritual wears my patience all too thin. one of these days, I swear to goodness I am gonna crack. But he finally got up and got motivated.

We had to be to my tax preparers by 4:30 p.m. An appointment we were 20 minutes late for, and one I had to cancel because I lost my W2's. How the hell can i do that? I don't know. But I did! one minute they were on my computer desk top, the next, they're gone. That was a huge depressing moment for me. But we wre able to pick up last year's taxes. the state still owes me 9 bucks. heh. BUT... I still owe the Federal Gov 93 bucks... plus late fees and interest. Grrr.

After we left there, we got back into the car and headed for ther city. We had an 8:15 dinner reservations with soem friends of ours and it was only 5 p.m. So we headed to Border's. My all time fave local bookstore. (As if there were many to choose from) I got the last 2 books in my Culinary Mystery series Sticks and Sconesand Chopping Spree. I also got Full Tilt a 2nd book in another series by Janet Evanovich.And Shawn even got another book. I left the bookstore giddy.

After that, we ran into Wal-Mart to ghet a few things then zipped over to Best Buy. After the tax mishap earlier, I was a bit sulky since I didn;t get my taxes done to afford the new 'puter I've been dreaming about since before Christmas. But to make a long story short, Shawn took me there for a reason. he fronted me the monies to afford my new puter.

I am now the proud new owner of a two tone (Black and silver) Emachine. Complete with 3000 megahurtz processor, 512 megs of RAM and a 160gig hard drive. (And I hope this impresses you, since it's all chinese to me, but I did ooh and ahh all night)It has a dvd rom, cd burner. And a little slot to plug my memory card from my digi-cam right into my tower. And... the best part... it's CUTE! It has the little "e" logo on the front that glows a bright indigo. It's fabulous! I now have more speed than even Shawn and his Almighty PC Army. I now know what it's like to have cahonies!

After the lengthy wait to purchase the 'puter... (The sales guy, mid sale left us to "Attend a meeting with his supervisor..." and never came back!) we finally made the purchase and barely made it to meet Ed and Anette for dinner.

They were already waiting inside when we arrived and we all chatted happily about our days as we waited to be seated. And waited. And waited. And waited. We all chose to go to the Outback for dinner. Both Annette's and my fave place to eat it turns out. the wait time was 3 hours for anyone just coming in the door to get a table. Luckily, ed had called ahead and got a reservation.

We still stood there in the entryway for a half an hour. maybe a bit more. not as bad as what some of the people had to wait. but damn, my fat ass was in 3 inch clogs and my feet were barking something fierce. When we finally were led to our seats, I wanted to die. They gave us a booth. Now, booths are fine and all, if you can fit in them. But being a "Queen Sized" woman, i start to panic when tghey start to lead me to a booth. Knowing how crowded the place was and how rare the seating, i didn't complain. I let Shawn slide in first and then carefully squished between the back of the bench and the table. I was so unconfortable. And the table was bolted down to the floor and couldn't be moved. I tried not to let it bother me. I will tell you one thing though, I think the Outback might be onto something! We King and Queen sized fatties should all dine at the Outback for every meal and request a booth seat. After a mere few bites, you'll be so miserably uncomfortable you won't be able to eat anymore. Then wallah! Instant weight loss. LOL, as if. I only wish restraunts were sympathetic to the fact that not everyone has a super model figure, yanno?

Dinner was nice. Conversation was light and plenty. I enjoyed the company and was glad to get to hang out with Annette again. The food was delicious. I couldn't have asked for a better ending to my evening.

After dinner, we parted ways and headed for home. The puppies were glad to see us and be let outside for a few laps in the snow. I was happy to come home and get those shoes off. And then to have my new 'puter installed. I'm back to "Two Boxing" again. WEE! Only bad thing is that the network cable is a wee bit short so my other 'puter is not on line capable yet...

but soon enough.

Today ended up being a nice Valentine's Day, if not the best. I looked good today. I had an awesome hair day! Shawn got me my new puter. We had a night out. I have new books. We got to dine with Ed and Annette.

And the best part? Coming home to check the mail and getting a V-Day card from guess who? My daddy! The one man in my life I can always count on to let Hallmark send his very best even over the miles. My Dad fucking rocks!

Love you, Daddy!

Happy V-Day Y'all! Wishing you love, romance, unbridled passions and religious experiences!



OOH! My comments are back up! So leave me some comments damn it! Please?!

2 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

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Happy V-Day Y'all! <3 - 2004-02-15