Is my face killing you? It's killing me!
Bitched at 10:33 p.m. on 2004-02-09

Currently Feeling: like gouging my eyeball out of its socket
Currently Hearing: Just Another Paradise by Phil Vassar
Currently Craving: a normal eyeball minus the lump

Is my face killing you? Because it sure is killing me...

And that's the God's honest truth. I went up to my buddy "Bean" tonight at work and used those exact lines on him. He told me I take the fun out of things. heh. Maybe so. But my face is killing me, and had I not cut him off at the pass, I'd have left him wide open. In the past couple of weeks, I have experienced two styes in ym eyes. One in the right eye and one in the left. I have only had one once before in my life and that was in 7th grade and it got me out of 3 weeks of the mandatory swimiing segment of P.E. so I was just giddy. Saved this heiffer from having to wear a one piece bathing suit in front of 30 of the cruelest classmates known to me. Well, then the last couple of weeks, I got one in each eye. I let them go, waited for them to burst and that was that. But now, I have another lump in my eye. At first I thought I had another sty, but this one is different. I don't know how other than to say it feels different. the others were on the lower lid ledge where as this one is a large swollen mass that takes up hald the saddle bad beneath my eye and goes into the lower lid down in the pink fleshy part. There's no head on this one. Just a big, growing lump that hurts like hell and has the left side of my face swollen up like a balloon. It's crazy. I can barely open my eye now, the vision is blurred andit looks like I went a round or two with Tyson.

And oddly enough, when i walked into work it was indeed the first thing people noticed. not the fact that I took over an hour washing, drying and styling my hair and was having a good hair day... not the wonderfully scrumptious smelling perfume I decided to wear to qwork today. No... they just had to notice my eye. The first words out of Bean's mouth was: "Shawn had to tell you something more than once, huh?" And the big boss was over talking to our super and when i walked up, he looked at my eye, looked at shawn and gave him the thumbs up exclaiming: "You da man!" All to my horror. All night tonight I have been trying to get it thru everyone's head that Shawn did not hit me! For one, if he had hit me, it would be black and blue and not pinkish red. And secondly, if he had hit me- I'd be in jail and he'd still be at the hospital waiting to have his penis bits sewed back together so they could sew HIM back together. I'd have Lorena Bobbitized him in a major way... and then mowed the phallus down with our trusty Craftsman mulcher. I ahve ZERO TOLERANCE for woman beaters, Dated one once in my lifetime, that my friends, was enough for me.

So I don't know what's wrong with my eye. I have a doctor's appointment set for Wednesday before work to discuss my options to having a gastric bypass. So if this still persists... I can have it looked at while I am there. Hopefully it'll be done and gone. And maybe I won't be able to wait and I will have to go to the Urgent Care facility. I don;t really care what happens, as long as it goes away! It's ugly, and it hurts.

Friday Shawn and I went to a local mobile home dealer to see if we could get financed at all for anything. We didn;t care what as long as we could live in it and it was of suitable size. The lady called us back today while we were at work. She left a message on our cell phone, but didn;t say either way what was happening. I hope and pray that it's good news. In fact, I dreamed last night that she got us approved for a $75k loan and we were able to purchase a gorgeous modular. Soi maybe my dream was an omen... maybe. But I'm thinking not. We went in on Friday at 6 p.m. She called us back Monday at 4 p.m. Doesn't seem like enough time to get financially troubled clients any monies. But we'll see. I'll call her back tomorrow and get the low down...

Tonight, Samantha and Nicol will be at our house when we return from work. They said they were planning on coming to our house before we got home and cooking us dinner. No special occasion. Just because. Now isn't that sweet. I just wish I knew what they were cooking, LOL! I don;t know if I should chow down on some munchies first or go home hungry. So I just ate a small bag of chocolate chip muffins to take the edge off. Worse comes to worse, I'll wait til after dinner and they leave to scarf down some yummies. I even left the dinner candles on the table today. I was going to put them away before we left for work since Barklee has a sweet tooth for my candles (and everything else under the sun). But I thought, what the hell. Maybe we can use 'em tonight.

So, just another boring but painful day for me in paradise...



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Is my face killing you? It's killing me! - 2004-02-09