She gone done did it
Bitched at 8:07 a.m. on 2004-02-08

Currently Feeling: blah... but relaxed
Currently Hearing: absolute silence. woohoo!
Currently Craving: grits. imagine that.

I'm tired. It's just after 8 a.m. and I haven;t been to bed yet. I have this nasty habit on weekends that I have off where I end up staying up into the late hours of the morning, then going to bed when I can no longer see straight, and sleeping until after 6 p.m. Causing a night of insomnia and a grogginess none should have to bear on a return-to-work Monday. But alas, this weekend is no different. Wish it weren't so... I swore I would get to bed early this weekend. honest. But our DSL was actually functioning...

Hello, my name is Sara, and I'm a Star Wars Galxies addict.

For the first time in days, I talked to Hope. She happened to log into the game while I was on. I was damn glad to see her since I have been doing nothing but fielding the gossipists at work about her new status as a wife in the world. Including that of her ex-husband who felt the need to call a mutual friend and co-worker for details, who called me, you get the picture, no?

I filled her in about everyone knowing, and this time, not by my mouth. Apparently, she told every one in a non-chalant matter, then pawned it off as a joke. Well, once they heard she left for the foreign country she jokes about, alone- they put 2 and 2 together and got a BINGO!

She confirmed that she did indeed get married. And she went off about how she had to live life for herself and not for others and how she's been a slave to other peoples wants and needs. I told her to cut the "poor me" routine. She is not a victim. She wnt on some more about how people wrongfully judge her, putting words in everyone's mouths. I told her to think how she felt and wished her a great life.

Great thing about friendships.. at least when they're true, you can lay out all your emotions, get severely pissed off and tell 'em to have a nice life, and they understand and make you laugh. I'm not sorry for revealing my opinions. I just wish I knew how to express my negative feelings in a more positive way. And not just with Hope. With everyone. Ugh. I definately have issues. Ask my sisters, Shawn and Hope.

This weekend hasn't been very productive. But between Nicol, Samantha and I, we got all of the housework done, including carpet shamppoing. So I ahve been able to relax. Well, I relaxed a little too much. Apparently, Barkley and Chewbacca feel that we haven't spent enough quality time with them. You see, everything chewable has been chewed... and is strewn all over my house, one end to the other. So unfortunately, I know what I will be doing today.

I haven't had many exciting things to write about lately. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But either way it's just me...



0 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

She gone done did it - 2004-02-08