Mad rants aside... a normal update
Bitched at 2:18 a.m. on 2003-07-16

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Okay, I've gotten my mad rantings out of the way and I want to talk about normal stuff. So I decided what the hay... I'll update- again. LOL! So here I am.

It's just after 2 a.m. I'm a bit tired, but not enough so that I could go to sleep. I have unchannelled energies to burn. I'm actually feeling better. I still ahve a hacking cough that has been rather non-productive. But I managed to keep down small amounts of solid foods for the first time in 2 days. So wee. That's a bonus.

I have been having HBO series marathons. Ange ( ) has been journaling about her Sex and the City marathons and I thought that was a marvelous idea. So last night I picked up all of series one on dvd at a local rental store and snuggled up with fluids and my trusted Nyquil, Dayquil, cough drops, vitamin C drops and Kleenex for my very first SATC marathon.

It was FABULOUS! Man, did I laugh! Laughed so hard I cried. Carrie Bradshaw is the me I wanted to be. I have always dreamed of being a journalist who writes about nothing but sex. No shit. The two things I love most. Being a journalist. And being a journalist who bones up on (pun intended of course) and writes about sex.

And who better? No one. That's who.

When it comes to sex, I know my shit, Menard. Honest to goodness. I am the Dr. Ruth of the 21st Century. Without the degree mind you.

Sex, in my humble opinion, is what makes the world go round. Sex is indeed what makes or breaks us. It is by far the most significant act. It is vital. Sex alone is an anti-depressant. (Unless of course you found the 5 minute man or the not so hung stallion. Well, or the man who's money maker can't shake her let alone bring in a dime)

Carried Bradshaw may be a fictional character. But evn so, I'm jealous. Damn jealous!


Work has been swell. As in sweltering. Hot, muggy, sweat drippingly so. I had a rotten Friday as we had more problems than anyone knew what to do with. Another day like that Monday. And today, well, she started rough. But it got better as we went. And we even managed to get out early. YAY!

Tara was back to work Monday. Everyone who knew we had a spat was wondering how it would go. I myself was curious as she was slated to be my set-up tech.

Heh. I got there and found that she switched with one of the guys to get off of my line. I laughed so hard! I made 20 bucks. A few people bet that she'd stay on my line and try to make me miserable. I bet against them. And I'm 20 bucks richer for it. (Not that they'll ever pay up, but the thought is nice)

People kept asking if that bothered me. Nope. Not in the slightest! Honest. If she can't get over it, then let her hop lines. Better that then to have any conflicts. I'm at work to work. I'm there to do my job, collect my pay and go home. If I make a friend of two along the way, cool. If not, I'm still paying my bills. I'm not getting paid to be liked. Simple fact, but true.

And besides. That just proved that I am indeed, the bigger person. I was an adult, I didn't drag it into work. I am proud of myself. I even gave myself a cookie. LOL!


Things on the homefront are good. I got my house cleaned. Well, except the computer room of course. There's still some stuff I plan to get done this weekend. It's a slow drawn out process, but it's getting there.


I finished the 5th Harry Potter book. I know, it took me forever. But knowing it'll probably be another 2 years before the next one, I was milking it. Savoring every page. It was damn good. nothing to be rushed over. I was a bit bummed when I finished it. I wanted more. It's really addicting.

I tried to read the newest David Baldacci book I bought. But after a Potter Fix, I'm just not ready to lose myself in any other book. I'm still riding on my Potter high. Crazy huh?

Kids books I know. But i guess I'm still a kid at heart. And a Harry Potter fanatic. Sue me.


We don;t have to work this weekend. I thought about calling Mick and seeing about her coming up this weekend since I had to cancel on her last weekemd. But I don't have the finances to go party all weekend, and my house still isn;t quite in shape as I would like for guests. So I think I'll wait.

Tammy has been talking about going to Empire and hitting a beach that's all the rave there. I mentioned at work to her hubby Scott that maybe we could do that this weekend provided there are no scheduling clashes. A day at the beach with friends and a cookout sounds absolutely refreshing.

Not to mention I'll be on the beach with two adorable boys who loves me. LOL. Tammy and Scott's son Aussie (Austin actually), whom I think is 4ish, has a crush on me and calls me his girl friend. They have 3 boys, Aussie, Jared and Ryan. All 3 are adorable and fun. Hyper too.

So that'd be cool if we could all hook up.


J.C., our cat, gets out of the kitty hospital tomorrow. We have to go to the vet's and learn how to give him an I.V. so that we don't have to leave him in the hospital and rack up the bill any further. I'll be glad to have him home, though am a bit weary of having to give him his I.V. fluids. Ugh.


Well, I guess I'll send this off and hit the shower. But before I go, here's an interesting tidbit about sex I found once upon a time...

Back in the 1800's and into the early 1900's... when women were thought to have had a nervous breakdown, their husbands or families would whisk them via cart and buggy to their local doctor, or the doctor, provided he made house calls, would go there.

They would be taken into the room alone, put up on the table, legs in stirrups and the doctor would plug in (yes, plug in!) his electric dildo (yes, dildo) and fuck her with it until she orgasmed. And if it didn't work the first time, they'd repeat it. This sometimes became a treatment that became ongoing.

Ohh to only be able to go back in time. Hell, to only be able to do that now! I can see ALL the men signing up to be gynecologist's!

I'd find the sexiest one out there.

And holy sheep shit, Batman! To hell with prozac! I'd be a basket case!

Doctor! Cum quick! I'm having a break down! Break it out, Let's get down!

Save me! Save me, Doc!

::sings like the fish in the Plug Ins commercial:: Plug it in, plug it in!

::laughs wickedly and winks:: ((P.S. If you were or my notify list... something happened and it got wiped out. Please resign up! And if you haven't signed up, please, feel free! It'll e-mail you whenever I update here to let you know there's a new entry!))

0 bitches

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Mad rants aside... a normal update - 2003-07-16