Happy Easter
Bitched at 6:46 a.m. on 2003-04-20

Currently Feeling:
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Currently Craving:

HAPPY EASTER! Can you believe it? Easter is finally here. Seems once again, that time is just flying by. Whether or not we want it to. I guess we just have to hold on tight, and hopefully- enjoy the ride. I for one, am trying. Lord knows I am. Funny how life seems to resemble that of an amusement park ride. You hold on, suck it up and try your damnest not to look like a scardey cat. Enduring bumps, turns and harsh turns that send you careening through moments that sometimes can seem like mere flashes of seconds or that makes a few minutes drag on for eternities. And all the more lately, I find myself holding tight to my gut and praying that I can keep my lunch down.

But last night, I made a pact to enjoy the day thoroughly. Not just pieces. No anger. No sadness. Only good thoughts. And you know, it wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be! Shawn made matters a bit easier.

We raced into the city to catch a new deli that just opened open. They only stay open until 7 p.m. But, we made it. Just barely too as the truck tire gave us a bit of fits. But since I am focusing on happy thoughts only, I won't get into it. Tara also called my cell from up north to chat, but I was on the road and had to promise I'd call her back.

Dinner was awesome! The subs the deli made were mouth wateringly wonderful. It's a tiny little place that just opened up in one of the strip malls in town. It's called Quizno's. Very tasty. When we were leaving, I noticed a new beauty supply store just down a few paces. I beelined for the store and Shawn beelined for the truck. I had to laugh. When I got inside I was in awe and all my glory. I found what I had been looking for and actually gre the balls to buy it. Shawn would have a fit I knew... but oh well. My New Year's resolutions were to do 2 things I had always been to chicken shit to do. So I piered my nose a month or so back. And now... PURPLE HAIR DYE! 3 bottles of it! (I have a LOT of hair)

After that, we did our grocery shopping, and when we got home, I called his sister up. She's in town and staying with their Mom a few blocks down. I asked her to come help me die my hair. She's my wicked cohort in evil body changes. LOL. It seems like every time I change or alter my body, she's in on it. This was no different.

The first time, was when she and her girlfriend Nicole were up last time. About amonth ago. I noticed they'd both pierced their noses and commented. I had been drinking tequilla, and they remarked that they could pierce me. I agreed. Yowza. I tried to chicken out at the last minute. They weren;t having any of it really. So, armed with a well sterilized thumbtack... yes, thumbyack, she poked a hole in my nose. Once I got over the initial shock, and the eye watering and runny nose. I was so proud of myself. Premature pride. My nose was too thick for the tack. So she grabbed a pushpin... yep. After sterilizing that, in went the pushpin. ANother round of pride, shock, watery eyes and even a few sneezes, I was pierced. Wee.

And I must say, I am quite proud and very satisfied with the new look. I use a dainty turquoise nose ring. Barely noticeable once ya get used to it. I swore I was done with piercings after that... but now, maybe just ONE eyebrow???

Tonight, Samantha, her girfriend Nicole, and Shawn and Samantha's little brother Shane came over. Shane played TSO in the puter room while Shawn played EQ. And we 3 girls set out to dye my hair. We used 2 bottles. It turned out okay, I was a bit shocked. It was s'posed to be a lavendar hue. Heh. IF you use hair bleach 1st. However, the guy advising me in the store, said with my light blonde hair, bleach would not be needed. He lied. Then, after my hair dried, we noticed a few strands weren't done. So... out came the last bottle. By this time, it was 6 a.m., so the gang didn;t stay for the final wash and dry. They all left for home and I finished letting the color set.

I washed it out, dryed it. One word. DAYUM! I look like a grape burst on my head. A very, very bright purple grape. It's nto hideous. Not by far. It's just going to take some getting used to. I ahve NEVER colored my hair before. But I likes it. Shawn says I look "retarded". Yeah, whatever. He'll get used to it. LOL.

After that, I pulled my pork roast out of the over, whipped up some taters, thikened some gravy and was chowing as I simmed by 7 a.m. LOL. 'Tis the life I tell ya. But I'm a bit tired. TSO went down for their daily maintenance. I may log back in, I dunno. I should probably try to get some sleep.

But if I do, I won't get to sim much today as Shawn's siblings and Nicole are coming over to play Risk tonight. Oh, how I loathe that game. But the siblings and Nicole just learned it and are caught up in the newness like I once was. Maybe they'll kill of my armies fast and then I can sim?

I did get back with Tara. She had a pretty eventful weekend and we thought maybe we could hang out when she returns home tomorrow. But with Sam, Shane and Nicole coming over, I'm afraid I may have to cancel... for the billionth time. Le sigh.

So, today's another day. One that looks to be promising. And it's Easter. And with Easter, I'm reminded to be grateful to God for blessing me as he has... to say my grace before inhaling my chocolate Easter bunny... and to think furry pink bunnies hopping thru the yard with baskets loaded with goodies.... and mind you, the .22 is loaded and ready... just aim and shoot. I WANT THAT CHOCOALTE, MR. BUNNY!!!!


Happy Easter, Friends. And God bless!

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Happy Easter - 2003-04-20