boring day
Bitched at 3:57 a.m. on 2003-04-19

Currently Feeling:
Currently Hearing:
Currently Craving:

Morning again. It's 4 a.m. now. I stayed awake until 3:30 this afternoon before my eyes got so heavy I had to crawl into bed. I did try to wake Shawn up so he could at least get up and head to Bryan's, but he wasn't willing to climb out of bed. I didn't wake again until 9:30 p.m. So running errands was out of the question to say the least. And even after I woke up, I was tired for the next couple of hours. It too my body awhile before it fully awoke.

But as I waited for my body to catch up, I simmed. LOL. And have been simming for a long while since. I really am an addict of the Sims on line. The people are great for the most part and my property is really soemthing I've grown quite fond of. Though, I was a bit sad as one of my first friends in game, Kimmy Candy, retired her Sim tonight. She gave me all her monies and possesions. I wanted to cry. I almost did. We got to be so close. But we still get to chat on AOL, so that's cool. She's a great gal!

The sims can be scarey at times. It consumes your energy, time and devotion. Hook, line and sinker I am stuck. Not that I mind. I'm enjoying it. And I still manage to pry myself away long ewnough to eat, sleep cook and clean usually. But I made today a day for relaxing. Weee.

Lots of good things happened tonight. Shawn's cousin Tina is back on line and we were able to chat a bit. We used to hang out a lot when I lived back home. Haven't had the chance much since we moved away. I miss her and so many of our family back home. One of these days, I'm gonna head "home" and cut loose with them for a weekend. That'd be a trip in itself.

The Yearly EQ get together our group puts on every year is scheduled now. Shawn filled me in. It's in Montreal. Third week of July. I would LOVE to go. I think it's going to be bigger than last years even. But we just aren't sure we'll be able to afford it. We still havent come close to getting the 1200 saved up to get my car out of the shop, and it's only 3 months away. But i'm gonna try. I really, really wanna go. I loved Canada when I got to go to Niagara Falls last year. I had a blast.

I think tomorrow, or rather, I hope that tomorrow, I can get my errands run. I'd like to do some of the housework. I haven't fallen too far behind, but enough to make me want to drag my feet and wish I had just kept up with things. Especially in the computer room. It's a mess.

My dog tore out the door tonite when I went to let her outside. I have been really good about getting her on her chain. But not tonite... she zipped right past me and off she went. She came back an hour later, an angry neighbor in tow. Ya know, I have had ALL the neighbors animals in my yard. Tonight, Chewbacca went chasing after someone's cat which is why I couldn;t get her on her chain. I don;t go screaming and threatening neighbors. I sigh and think of the poor owner who's dog got past the chain and all the misery they must be going thru. Maybe I'll start beig the village bitch like them... see how they like it. One neighbor has gone as far as to tyhreaten to shoot my dog. Man, did that piss me off. I told him to go ahead. But to remember I have a shot gun too. I know how to aim and shoot. And I know his animals, his wife an him. That shut him up. I hate to get nasty. But good Lord, can't I catch a break?

Some people's childre. Sheesh!

On that note, that's the extend of my oh so boring, but relaxing day.

Til tomorrow... another boring yet relaxing day, I HOPE!

1 bitches

Yesterday's Bitching | ^ | Tomorrow's Bitching

800x600|IE 5.0+|Design �hg88|Words �Sara

boring day - 2003-04-19